Research reveals new location of 2020 Idaho earthquake
The 6.5 magnitude earthquake that struck Stanley, Idaho, was the largest earthquake in nearly 40 years. New data shows that it was a newly discovered fault line that caused this.
BOISE, Idaho – In March of 2020, southern Idaho was hit by its largest earthquake in nearly 40 years. The earthquake was originally thought to have occurred along the Sawtooth Fault Line. But now, new research shows that may not be the case.
Dr. Glenn Thackray, a professor of earth sciences at Idaho State University, and Dr. Zach Lifton, a geohazard geologist with the Idaho Geological Survey, are part of a research team that looked into the exact location of the quake's epicenter.
Dr. Thackray said he had been studying the Stanley area and the Sawtooth Fault for about 25 years. But unfortunately, he didn't feel the 2020 earthquake at all. “I feel a little cheated… My daughter was in the basement of our house five blocks from me, and she called me and said, 'Did you just feel it?' Rattling or something? I said: No.
Dr. Lifton described the moment he began to feel shaking, “Very quickly, I realized it wasn't just a big truck driving by. It was very likely an earthquake. Then, my next thought was, 'What's wrong? This is the wrong question that's been on my mind a lot.' What bugs could affect Idaho?
The epicenter was near the Stanley and Sawtooth Fault, which are known for seismic activity. Although there is seismic activity across this general area, identifying the fault line responsible is difficult.
“We assumed it was on the Sawtooth Fault because it was located near the Sawtooth Fault,” Dr. Lifton said.
But closure is not a confirmation.
“Geology is a puzzle, and we don't always have a clear picture of what's going on. We have small pieces, and they can be very mysterious. We're doing our best to piece them together with what we've seen,” Dr. Lifton said.
So, researchers set out to see more. Detailing their process, Dr. Lifton used data from aftershocks and LiDAR imaging to learn details of the Earth's surface and choose a site for their study.
“LiDAR is a really important tool for doing this kind of mapping,” he said.
Researchers began digging a trench across the Sawtooth Fault Line to collect more data.
“By digging a trench across it, we can look at the layers of soil exposed in that trench and try to decipher the history of earthquakes on this fault,” Sawtooth Fault. Dr. Lifton said. “How big is it? How often does it happen?”
Dr Lifton added that this was the first trench to be dug on the Sawtooth Fault and trenches are the gold standard for understanding the history of the fault.
Through their research, scientists found that the 2020 earthquake did not occur on the Sawtooth Fault.
“The fault that we think caused the Stanley earthquake is not in quite the same place,” Dr. Lifton said.
This is not what the researchers expected to find. Dr. Thackray explained that the Saw Fault intersects a different fault system that scientists know little about.
Their research has led to the discovery of a new fault line, one they hope to study further. Dr Thackray added enthusiastically: “It is a very exciting time in this field, and there is now a lot of interest in these two faulty systems.”
“From a scientific standpoint, being able to study these things is exciting. The Stanley earthquake was great because it didn't hurt anyone. So in this case, we can learn more about that and maybe apply that to other places,” Dr. Lifton said, echoing the sentiments of Dr. Thackeray: “Try to help people.”
Dr. Lifton also said researchers are applying for grants to dig more trenches along the fault.
“There is information stored there,” Dr. Lifton said, “which may provide more information about past seismic activity, and a better idea of what it might look like in the future.”
Sources 2/ https://www.ktvb.com/article/tech/science/environment/environment-northwest/idaho-earthquake-research-new-details-2020-location/277-75676f7a-b969-4c3d-8d2e-b552af765442 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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