Donald Trump sues CBS over Kamala Harris '60 Minutes' interview
In the final days of the 2024 presidential campaign, Donald Trump sued CBS over the way 60 Minutes edited an interview with Kamala Harris.
The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Amarillo, Texas, seeks $10 billion in damages and is just the latest litigation filed by Trump against a media entity that broadcasts or publishes content he don't like.
The lawsuit claims the network violated Texas' Deceptive Trade Practices Act, which generally targets false advertising.
Trump is obsessed with 60 Minutes and has threatened to sue CBS since an interview with Harris aired as part of his Oct. 7 election special. Trump initially agreed to sit down for an interview for the special, but later withdrew, according to the network.
During Harris' interview, correspondent Bill Whitaker asked Harris about the situation in Gaza and about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “not listening” to the administration.
In a promo for the 60 Minutes special broadcast on Face the Nation, Harris responded: “Well, Bill, the work that we've done has resulted in a number of movements in this region by Israel that have been in largely driven by or resulting from many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region.
On 60 Minutes, Harris responded: “We are not going to stop doing what is necessary to make the United States clear on our position on the need to end this war.” »
Trump claims that CBS intentionally sought to present Harris' more succinct response on 60 Minutes to help his campaign.
“To mask Kamala's weakness in 'word salad,' CBS used its national platform on 60 Minutes to cross the line between exercising judgment in reporting and misleading and deceptive manipulation of information,” the lawsuit claims.
Trump has called Harris “a very low IQ person” and the lawsuit is the latest late-campaign attack on her syntax. The latest filing appears intended to highlight some of Trump's attacks on Harris and the media. It includes some of his posts on Truth Social following the 60 Minutes interview, including one in which he called Harris a “moron.” The trial distorts the dates of the Face the Nation and 60 Minutes shows by one day.
The former president has repeatedly filed lawsuits against the media, seeking to draw attention to what he sees as media injustice, only to have judges dismiss the complaints. These include Trump's lawsuits against the New York Times and CNN.
CBS said in a statement that Trump's “repeated claims against 60 Minutes are false.” The interview was not falsified and 60 Minutes did not withhold any part of Vice President Harris' response to the question in question. 60 Minutes presented the interview accurately to inform the public, not to mislead them. Trump's lawsuit against CBS is completely without merit and we will vigorously defend it.
As Trump continued to blast the channel, the show told viewers that Harris' two different responses were all an answer to the same question.
In a statement, the show said: “Same question. Same answer. But a different part of the answer. Networks routinely cut interviews to fit segment length. Fox News, for example, cut out part of Trump's town hall with Harris Faulkner, removing portions showing audience participants openly advocating for the former president's election, CNN reported.
In a letter sent to Trump's legal team earlier this month, CBS News Vice President Gayle C. Sproul wrote that “60 Minutes did not withhold any part of the vice president's response to the question in question.”
Sproul wrote in his letter to Trump's lawyers: “It is logical to claim that 60 Minutes hid the first part of the vice president's response to the question. This is not the case. The public is aware of this part of his response because 60 Minutes itself distributed it publicly by providing it to Face the Nation for promotional purposes and posting it on X and other 60 Minutes-branded social networks for the same reason. Sprout also refused to provide Trump's team with a transcript of the interview.
Trump has continually brought up the 60 Minutes interview at campaign rallies and other events, and he has called for the network to lose its FCC license over it, as he has other networks for their coverage.
After his latest attack, FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel spoke out against it, saying his comments constituted “threats to free speech” that are “serious and should not be ignored.”
Sources 2/ https://deadline.com/2024/10/trump-cbs-lawsuit-60-minutes-kamala-harris-1236163916/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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