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Logistics deal could increase prices for UK business customers

Logistics deal could increase prices for UK business customers


Following its Phase 1 investigation, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) found that GXO Logistics (GXO) completing its purchase of Wincanton PLC could reduce competition for the supply of mainstream contract logistics services (CLS) in the UK.

Contract logistics services include distribution, transportation, warehousing and other supply chain services. GXO is the world's largest contract logistics services company and Wincanton is the UK supplier of these services. Both companies provide mainstream contract logistics services to business customers in the retail (e.g. grocery, fashion, apparel) and non-retail (e.g. manufacturing, construction) sectors.

The CMA investigation found that GXO and Wincanton were competing closely, particularly for contracts with large retail customers. GXOs will continue to face competition from other contract logistics providers, many of which are significantly smaller or focused on specific industries or types of logistics services (e.g. transportation). Some businesses have the option of bringing services in-house if their contract logistics provider does not provide good value, but the ability to do this will vary depending on the customer.

The CMA is therefore concerned that the deal could increase costs for businesses and other supply chain activities that rely on contract logistics providers to move goods across the UK.

The GXO must submit a proposal to address the CMA's concerns within five business days. If an appropriate offer is not submitted, the CMA will proceed with a more in-depth stage 2 investigation.

Naomi Burgoyne, senior director of mergers at the CMA, said:

Contract logistics services are critical to the flow of goods across the country, reducing delays and ensuring goods reach their destinations efficiently and reliably. These services are essential for millions of people who rely on just-in-time delivery or who can purchase products off-the-shelf.

The market is worth $16 billion in the UK, and there were concerns the merger could reduce competition and ultimately result in higher costs being passed on to consumers. We believe that an in-depth Phase 2 investigation into these competitive issues is warranted unless GXO provides a solution to address them.

More information about this case can be found on the GXO/Wincanton case page.

Note to editors: GXO announced an agreement to acquire Wincanton in February 2024. An interim enforcement order (IEO) was put in place to prevent the amalgamation of the two organizations while the CMA carried out a merger review, but the deal was not completed until April 2024. CLS encompasses a variety of B2B and B2C supply chain-related services that enable companies to supply goods to customers and consumers. These services include transportation and distribution, warehousing and additional value-added services. CLS in the retail market involves serving customers who produce consumer-facing products such as groceries, fashion, and clothing. This includes products ordered online, products that sell quickly and have a short shelf life due to high consumer demand or perishability (known as fast-moving consumer goods), and products that require temperature-controlled logistics services (including certain food and beverage products). ). CLS in non-retail markets involves serving customers with non-consumer-facing products or services, such as automotive, construction, energy, and manufacturing companies. The CMA found that customers often prioritize reputation, reliability and performance when choosing a CLS provider. Although there are other alternatives in the CLS market, GXO and Wincanton (along with DHL) are considered the leading providers of mainstream CLS services, particularly for grocery retail customers. Guidance on CMA merger jurisdiction and procedures can be read here. All media inquiries should be directed to the CMA Press Office by email ([email protected]) or phone (020 3738 6460).




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