Cervical cancer eradication activity day
Saima Wazed, WHO Regional Director for Southeast Asia
November 17th is the Day of Action to End Cervical Cancer, marking the fourth anniversary of the launch of the Global Strategy to Eliminate Cervical Cancer as a Public Health Problem. At this year's Day of Action, themed 'Empowering frontline health workers: turning global efforts into life-saving efforts', WHO is committed to improving cervical cancer prevention, treatment, palliative care and survivor care. We greatly recognize the role of frontline health workers in delivering effective interventions for the future.
Cervical cancer ranks as the second most common cancer among women in the WHO South-East Asia Region, with approximately 200,000 new cases occurring in 2022. The number of cervical cancer deaths in this region in 2022 is estimated to be 120,000. These estimates indicate that the region accounts for approximately one-third of the global number of new infections and deaths from cervical cancer.
Because cervical cancer is largely preventable, the WHO aims to eliminate it as a public health problem, with each member state aiming to vaccinate 90% of girls with the HPV vaccine by the age of 15. The interim goal has been achieved. Screen 70% of women by age 35 using high performance tests and again by age 45. By 2030, treat 90% of women with pre-cancer and 90% of women with invasive cancer.
The region is guided by the Regional Implementation Framework on Eliminating Cervical Cancer as a Public Health Problem 2021-2030 and the WHO South-East Asia Regional Strategy for Comprehensive Cancer Prevention and Control 2024-2030. It is written.
Several countries in the region have made commendable progress in tackling cervical cancer. Bhutan's health flagship project will help achieve interim targets for 2030, with high coverage through Indonesia's dedicated national plan for cervical cancer and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination program, ensuring cervical cancer at all convenient facilities Thailand's Cancer Anywhere program provides free care for patients. Patients are an example of an effective strategy. Furthermore, six countries in the region have introduced national vaccination against HPV, two more have introduced HPV vaccine at local level, and seven have different coverage for cervical cancer. population-based screening, and 10 countries have access to cancer centers or cancer departments. National higher level.
Despite these efforts, challenges still exist. Vaccine supply shortages have reduced vaccination coverage in some countries with existing programs, while high vaccine costs have hindered the start of nationwide vaccinations in others. Radiotherapy services are suboptimal, and there are significant gaps in the availability and access of palliative care services.
On this day of action, WHO draws attention to areas that have the potential to significantly accelerate efforts to eradicate cervical cancer and urges Member States to address them.
First, all countries should introduce national HPV vaccination programs and increase vaccination coverage to above 90% among adolescent girls up to age 15. Single-dose regimens have efficacy and duration of protection comparable to two-dose schedules and can provide substantial program benefits by contributing to improved coverage. Countries in the region have the potential to bring HPV vaccine products to market, either by contributing to the development of new vaccines or by working to manufacture existing vaccines in a more cost-effective manner. It can be made more affordable.
Second, the scope of cervical cancer screening should be expanded. This can be done through the integration of existing reproductive health services into the routine healthcare delivery through the primary healthcare system. Investments in technology and capacity building should focus on high-performance tests, such as HPV DNA-based tests, and alternatives to visual screening with acetic acid should be prioritized.
Third, by implementing cervical cancer management guidelines, strengthening pathology and surgical capacity, improving access to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and strengthening referral pathways, we will improve the diagnosis and diagnosis of cancers, including cervical cancer. National capacity for management should be strengthened. Cervical cancer screening and management should be included in the universal health benefit package. Palliative care, psychosocial support for patients and families, end-of-life care, and survivorship care must be included as an integral part of comprehensive cancer care.
The fight against cervical cancer is our shared responsibility. All of us – policy makers, frontline health workers, civil society, partners and communities – must work together to achieve the goals and interim targets of the End Cervical Cancer Initiative by 2030. No. On this Day of Action to End Cervical Cancer, let us reaffirm our commitment. We are working to ensure that all girls and women in our region have access to these life-saving interventions.
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