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Egg shortage leads to empty shelves in several US states – NBC Chicago

Egg shortage leads to empty shelves in several US states – NBC Chicago


Shoppers may notice something missing from grocery store shelves ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday this week.

A nationwide egg shortage would result in empty shelves at many grocery stores across the United States, including in the Chicago area.

Reports of empty shelves surfaced in Denver, Miami and New York as recently as this weekend, NBC News reported. In some cases, signs asked shoppers to limit their egg purchases due to “supply difficulties.”

Egg-free shelves have also been reported at some Chicago-area stores, although shortages do not appear to be widespread.

The main reason for this shortage, according to experts, is bird flu. H5N1 avian influenza has spread widely in the United States among wild birds, poultry, and a number of other animals in recent years.

The most recent outbreaks were reported in Utah, Washington and Oregon.

“Bird flu is by far the biggest impact on egg prices right now,” agricultural economist Bernt Nelson told NBC News. “In the last few months alone, we've seen about 10 million birds affected by the virus. And as we move forward and migration continues, we're always going to be monitoring what's happening with avian flu.”

Nelson noted that while there is still “a very strong supply of eggs in the supply chain,” the problems lead to “isolated pockets” where eggs may not be readily available.

This sentiment was echoed by the American Egg Board.

Egg farmers across the Americas understand that eggs are essential to holiday entertaining and baking. We realize that some shoppers may be experiencing shortages of their favorite eggs at the grocery store, and we share their frustration,” Marc Dresner, director of communications for the American Egg Board, told NBC Chicago in a statement.

Dresner said about 24 million chickens are estimated to have been lost to bird flu in the United States in 2024, including 5 million since October.

“This has temporarily disrupted the supply of eggs in some geographic areas and states or stores where there are restrictions on the types of eggs that can be sold. While we understand how frustrating this is, we expect “any shortages will be localized and short-lived as egg producers work to replenish these stocks,” he said. “Since eggs are a perishable food, deliveries to grocery stores are frequent and the egg crate should be filled with eggs quickly, as eggs typically arrive in stores within 72 hours of arriving at the farm.”

The U.S. Department of Agriculture also reported that avian flu was behind the slowdown in egg production, down 2.6% from 2023 so far.

And even though supply is down, egg prices remain high.

The average price of a dozen eggs this fall is up from last year, although it's still not the highest in recent years.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, prices fell for the first time in several months in October, after reaching an average high of $3.82 in September. Prices fell in October to $3.37, although that remains the second highest of the year so far, following a low of $2.52 in January.

In October 2023, prices averaged $2.07 per dozen, according to department data, but that same year they also peaked at $4.82 in January.

In August, Caitlinn Hubbell, a market research analyst at Purdue University's Center for Food Demand Analysis and Sustainability, told CNBC that demand for eggs was considered “inelastic,” meaning that consumers will generally purchase the same quantity regardless of price increases. On the other hand, she noted that consumers generally don't stock up when they see a drop in prices.

That means eggs could see large price swings due to small variations in supply, she told CNBC, highlighting the impact of bird flu outbreaks on prices.

It remains to be seen whether prices will remain high until the end of the year.

“The problem with bird flu is that it's constantly evolving,” Nelson told NBC News. “As we see these changes in rising outbreaks, we're riding the waves, you know, the ebb and flow of this virus.”




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