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Constitution is a guide for our present and future, says Modi | Latest news India

Constitution is a guide for our present and future, says Modi | Latest news India



Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the 75th Constitution Day program at the Supreme Court in New Delhi on Tuesday. (ANI PHOTOS)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the 75th Constitution Day program at the Supreme Court in New Delhi on Tuesday. (ANI PHOTOS)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday underlined that the spirit of nation first would ensure the enduring relevance of the Indian Constitution for centuries, highlighting the extension of the Constitution to Jammu and Kashmir, where the Day Constitution was celebrated for the first time this year, and affirming India's strong resolve. respond decisively to threats from terrorist organizations.

Speaking at the Constitution Day celebrations organized by the Supreme Court, Modi termed the Constitution a living document that reflects the aspirations of a dynamic and evolving nation.

Our Constitution is not just a lawyers' document; it is the spirit of the times, the Prime Minister said, paying tribute to the framers of the Constitution while adding that their vision gave India the flexibility to adapt the document to meet contemporary challenges while remaining faithful to its founding principles.

Addressing a distinguished gathering including Chief Justice of India Sanjiv Khanna, senior judges of the Supreme Court – Justices Bhushan R Gavai and Surya Kant, Attorney General R Venkataramani and other legal luminaries , Modi highlighted the role of the Constitution in guiding India through difficult times, from the Emergency to complex socio-political transformations over 75 years.

Highlighting the flexibility and foresight inherent in the Constitution, Modi said the makers of the Constitution understood that India's dreams and aspirations would evolve with time, adding that the document not only serves as a compendium of laws but also a living and continuous flow that adapts to the changing needs of nations. Our Constitution is a guide for our present and future…it has met all the needs and expectations of the country, he said.

Modi maintained that it was only through the power of this document that Jammu and Kashmir (which had its separate Constitution until August 5, 2019, when the erstwhile state's special status was abrogated) has been fully integrated into the constitutional framework. It was only because of the power granted by the Constitution that the Constitution framed by Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was in force even in Jammu and Kashmir today. Today, for the first time, Constitution Day was celebrated in Jammu and Kashmir, he added.

In a solemn reflection, Modi also linked Constitution Day with the anniversary of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, paying tribute to the victims. He reassured the Indian nation of the determination of its security. India will give an appropriate response to any terrorist organization that threatens its security and integrity, Modi said, linking this resolve to the duties enshrined in the Constitution.

Highlighting the cultural ethos captured in the original manuscript of the Constitution, Modi noted the inclusion of illustrations depicting figures such as Lord Ram, Goddess Sita, Buddha and Guru Gobind Singh, and added that these images symbolize the deep bond between our Constitution and India. timeless human values. Human values ​​are the basis of India's policies and decisions today, the Prime Minister said.

He further noted that the government's recent legal and policy reforms, including the introduction of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (which replaced the colonial-era Indian Penal Code from July 1), reflected this philosophy by moving from a punitive system to a system based on justice. .

Modi outlined the government's efforts to fulfill the constitutional promise of social justice and equality by referring to the Women's Reservation Bill as a historic step towards greater political representation of women and highlighting measures to empower marginalized communities, including people of the third gender and people with disabilities. citizens.

He also lauded transformative initiatives such as opening over 530 million Jan Dhan bank accounts, providing 120 million households with piped water connection and ensuring affordable healthcare through Ayushman Bharat. These measures, he said, were part of a broader mission to improve the living comfort of citizens and uphold the constitutional commitment to dignity and equality.

The Prime Minister highlighted the importance of infrastructure and technological development to realize the aspirations of a Viksit Bharat (developed India). From electrifying remote villages to providing broadband in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands through submarine fiber optic cables, Modi highlighted projects that have brought modern connectivity to previously underserved areas.

Rapid development of modern infrastructure is a great necessity for the development of the country. Completing infrastructure projects on time ensures money savings and ensures the usefulness of the project itself, Modi said. He added that infrastructure projects were regularly reviewed using the PRAGATI platform, chaired by the Prime Minister himself, and more than Projects worth 18 lakh crore were examined and the hurdles faced by them were removed. These efforts ensure the progress of the country and strengthen the fundamental spirit of the Constitution, he said.

Modi also referred to the Aspirational Districts Program, which has transformed some of India's most underdeveloped regions, and the Prime Minister's Swamitva Yojana, which uses drone technology to provide legal land records to rural households.

Concluding his speech, Modi invoked the words of Dr Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India, who had emphasized the need for honest leadership prioritizing the interests of the nation. Echoing the sentiment, Modi said, “The spirit of Nation First will keep the Constitution alive for centuries.

In a reflective tone, Prime Minister Modi also acknowledged the constitutional limits on his authority. I tried to live within the limits that Samvidhan gave me. I have not attempted any encroachment (I have always tried to work within the limits prescribed by our Constitution and have never attempted any encroachment), he said.

Although the Prime Minister did not elaborate on his remarks at the end of his speech, he added: I maintained my dignity and kept my words. Here it is enough to allude; there is no need to say much.




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