Mexico warns Trump's proposed tariffs will cost 400,000 US jobs | Donald Trump News
Mexico's president and economy minister have given the clearest picture yet of how their government will respond to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's proposed tariffs on the country, which , according to their government, will cost 400,000 jobs in the United States.
Speaking at a news conference Wednesday, Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum said the Mexican response would be swift if Trump follows through on his plans.
If there were U.S. tariffs, Mexico would also raise tariffs, Sheinbaum said.
The comments are the latest response to Trump's statement Monday that he plans to impose massive tariffs not only on China, but also on Canada and Mexico, at a whopping 25 percent.
Economy Minister Marcelo Ebrard also warned against Trump starting a regional trade war, calling the cost to American workers enormous.
About 400,000 jobs will be lost in the United States, he said, citing a study based on figures from U.S. automakers manufacturing in Mexico.
He added that the impact would extend beyond workers to American consumers. For example, Ebrard said, most pickup trucks sold in the United States are made in Mexico. He claimed Trump's tariffs would add $3,000 to the cost of a new vehicle.
That's why we say it would be a shot in the foot, he said.
Trump has promised to use tariffs to prop up U.S. manufacturing, an attempt at a hard reset that economists have cast doubt on.
Nonetheless, the severity of the president-elect's approach to Canada and Mexico, which along with China constitute the United States' three largest trading partners, was somewhat surprising.
In his statement Monday, Trump said he would impose 25 percent tariffs if the three countries did not do more to combat irregular migration and drug trafficking into the United States.
Sheinbaum previously called the threats unacceptable.
On Wednesday, Sheinbaum revealed that she had a call with Trump to discuss migration across the US-Mexico border, where she attempted to allay his fears.
Had a great conversation with President Donald Trump, Sheinbaum posted on social media. We discussed Mexico's strategy to deal with the migratory phenomenon and I shared that caravans do not arrive at the northern border because they are taken care of in Mexico.
Officials also warned that Trump's tariffs would likely run afoul of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada free trade agreement, the USMCA, which bans most tariffs on trade between the three countries.
Trump himself had renegotiated the deal during his first term, complaining that American businesses were being treated poorly.
Sheinbaum requested a meeting with Trump before he takes office on January 20.
For his part, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he had already spoken with Trump about the tariff threat, highlighting the long-standing ties between the two countries.
We talked about some of the challenges we can work on together. It was a good decision, he said. This is a relationship that we know takes some work, and that's what we need to do.
Government officials aren't the only ones who have warned about the impact of the proposed tariffs on American businesses and consumers.
Barclays analysts said they believe the proposed tariffs could effectively wipe out all profits for Detroit's three automakers: GM, Stellantis and Ford.
Although it is generally accepted that a 25% global tariff on any vehicle or content from Mexico or Canada could be disruptive, investors underestimate how disruptive it could be, they wrote in a note Tuesday.
Trump's team, for its part, remained defiant.
Brian Hughes, a spokesman for Trump's transition team, told the Reuters news agency that the tariffs would protect American manufacturers and workers from unfair practices by foreign companies and markets.
He claimed that Trump would implement policies that he believed would make life affordable and more prosperous for the United States.
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