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Royal Wedding Hairstyles Fit for a Queen

Royal Wedding Hairstyles Fit for a Queen


When it comes to a royal wedding, it's all about glamour, whether a person is married or not. This means everything, including the hair, is impeccable and done to the standards of a queen! Of course, some hairstyles are more iconic than others, like Princess Eugenie's bun-crown combo, sans veil.

From loose curls to huge ballerina buns, here are some of the best royal wedding hairstyles.

Kate Middleton's non-traditional knee-high style

The royal wedding

Traditionally, royals prefer brides to wear their hair in an updo style. However, Duchess Kate Middleton decided to go against tradition for her wedding day, choosing a half-up, half-down look with flowing curls.

According to royal journalist Ashley Pearson, “[it’s] her favorite way to wear it, and in fact William's favorite too. They ended up compromising on his look.”

Princess Beatrice combined simple hair with a vintage outfit


For her 2020 wedding, Princess Beatrice combined a simple half-up, half-down hairstyle with a vintage dress and tiara for her wedding.

The vintage Norman Hartnell dress had been worn several times by Queen Elizabeth II, while the Queen also wore the fringed tiara on her wedding day!

Princess Diana and the iconic “Princess Di Cut”

Royal Wedding

Princess Diana unconsciously created a hairstyle during her marriage to Prince Charles. Styled by Kevin Shanley, the “Princess Di Cut” was a shaggy, side-swept bob that accentuated her features.

In an interview, Shanley said, “I thought she would look great with short hair, and that's what we ultimately agreed on.” The style worked and became one of the signature hairstyles of the 80s.

Queen Elizabeth got into 1920s Flapper

Royal bridesmaid

The Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth, got married in 1923 and went all out with her entire style, including her hair! Her hair was styled in a short bob with finger waves, a popular trend at the time.

She even wore a fitted veil with York roses and myrtle to complete the flapper look.

Pippa Middleton's iconic curls for her sister's wedding

Bridesmaid Philippa Middleton and Ma

Pippa Middleton became the world's most famous bridesmaid at her sister, Duchess Kate Middleton's, wedding. Aside from her breathtaking dress, Pippa's hair was the talk of the town.

A half up, half down style, her hair was curled to perfection and tied back with a floral hairpiece. It was a simple but stunning look.

Laura Lopes wore a loose braid

ROYAL wedding

Camilla Parker Bowles, the daughter of the Duchess of Cornwall, Laura Lopes, got married in 2006 and looked stunning with a non-traditional hairstyle. Lopes opted for a loose braid to sit her tiara on instead of opting for a traditional bun.

The tiara was the same one her mother wore during her first marriage.

Amal Clooney's Soft Curls Under a Yellow Sunburst Hat

Prince Harry marries Ms Meghan Markle - Windsor Castle

While attending Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding in 2018, Amal Clooney went all out with her appearance. Radiantly beautiful, Amal wore a sunny yellow dress and matching hat perched atop long, loose curls.

She looked shiny and elegant and ready for a royal wedding!

Princess Margaret opted for a voluminous bouffant style

Princess Marguerite

Princess Margaret married Antony Armstrong Jones in 1960, and her hair is definitely a product of its times! She decided to go for something romantic, choosing to style her hair in a voluminous bouffant with curls framing her face, a look popular in the '50s and '60s.

The look was the perfect setting for the Poltimore tiara on her head.

Princess Eugenie made her family tiara shine

Princess Eugenie of York marries Mr Jack Brooksbank

In 2018, Princess Eugenie stunned onlookers with her stunning looks as she married Jack Brooksbank. Enlisting the help of London hairstylist Sonnie Jo Macfarlan, the princess opted for a stunning updo with face-framing curls, perfectly displaying her family crown.

The veil was noticeably absent from her style, a very interesting wedding choice for a royal.

Meghan Markle's messy bun

Prince Harry marries Ms Meghan Markle - Windsor Castle

For her 2018 wedding, Meghan Markle decided to go for her messy bun, giving it a royal touch with a tiara and veil combination. Celebrity hairstylist Serge Normant created the timeless look for the Duchess's big day.

During an interview with Peoplesaid the stylist, “I just wanted a loose, easy look.” And it only took 45 minutes!

Princess Anne and this volume

Anne and Marc

Princess Anne married Mark Philips in 1973 and she may have used all the English lacquer for her big day. Princess Anne opted for a voluminous bun on her wedding day to show off the fringed tiara worn by her mother, Queen Elizabeth.

The hairstyle matched perfectly with her Tudor-style dress.

The timeless look of Queen Elizabeth II

Royal Queen Wedding 11

When it came time for Queen Elizabeth II to walk down the aisle in 1947, she didn't stray from royal tradition when it came to hairstyles. The former queen graced her big day with a classic-looking full updo that fell just above her shoulders.

Paired with a pearl necklace and sparkling earrings, the Queen looked absolutely timeless.

Carey Mulligan's bun and feather accent


Two-time Oscar nominee actress Carey Mulligan attended Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's wedding in 2018, and she looked more than just a star.

Knocking her look out of the park, Mulligan opted for a simple updo for the big day, with a feather accent in the back and loose curls to frame her face.

Princess Caroline brought a bit of bohemianism to her big day

Princess Caroline marries Philippe Junot

Growing up on the small Mediterranean island of Monaco, it was only fitting that Princess Caroline of Hanover decided to emulate her bohemian side when she married her first husband, Philippe Junot.

To accompany her flowing Marc Bohan for Christian Dior dress and bouquet of wildflowers, the princess opted for a bold middle part and a loose bun tied at the base of her neck. Of course, what would a bohemian princess be without a few flowers in her hair!

Princess Rania opted for a ballerina look with a royal touch

Prince Abdullah (Abdullah), Jord's eldest son

The then Princess Rania of Jordan looked like an absolute dream on her wedding day, wearing a white and gold silk embellished dress by British designer Bruce Oldfield with a matching hairpiece.

And honestly, it's all about the hairpiece. Matching the princess's dress, the silk headband secured an elaborately braided ballerina bun. Princess Rainia looked simply stunning on her big day.

Grace Kelly called on a Hollywood professional

Princess Grace at her wedding

Actress Grace Kelly didn't let just anyone do her hair on her wedding day. Instead, she decided to call in the big guns, a Hollywood stylist known and trusted throughout the film industry, Sydney Guilaroff.

And Guilaroff did not disappoint. The stylist brought the golden age of Hollywood to Monaco, pulling Kelly's hair back into a sleek bun to complement her elaborate hairstyle and veil.

Princess Sofia Hellqvist's chic bun

Wedding of Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Sofia Hellqvist

For her wedding to Prince Carl Philip of Sweden, Princess Sofia decided to take a somewhat traditional approach, but with a twist when it came to her selection of tiaras.

She wore a chic and elegant twisted bun at the base of her neck, the perfect setting for the stunning tiara she wore – a delicate piece topped with emeralds!

Princess Claire's finely braided bun

Religious wedding of Prince Félix of Luxembourg and Claire Lademacher

Princess Claire of Luxembourg married Prince Félix in 2013 and looked absolutely stunning. Bypassing her stunning lace dress and going straight to her hair, the princess opted for a traditional yet intricate outfit.

Instead of a basic bun, Princess Claire had a finely braided bun at the base of her neck, the perfect finish to her delicate dress and veil.

Victoria Beckham's elegant ponytail


Victoria Beckham brought her chic style to Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's wedding in 2018. Posh Spice opted for a slicked back low ponytail to accompany her navy midi dress, complete with face-framing locks.

To complete the hairstyle, Beckham wore a navy blue fascinator hat with a short veil in the front.

Sarah Ferguson's hair was all '80s

English royalty: marriage of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson

Sarah Ferguson knew what decade it was when she chose her wedding hairstyle for her wedding to Prince Andrew in 1986. Her hair was fully curled in a half-up, half-down style with wispy bangs; a very 80s look!

She completed the look with the York tiara and a voluminous veil to match her puff sleeve dress.




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