Jokowi and tycoons Aguan and Salim Group prosecuted
TA-MORPTR-PIK2 Legal Coordinator Ahmad Khozinuddin said the basis of the accusation was an illegal act as regulated by Article 1365 of the Civil Code.
“We are pursuing the project in civil court with the goal of overturning it,” he said. RMOLJabar political news agency.
The lawsuit was registered on Friday, November 29, 2024 at the Central Jakarta District Court (PN) and registered under file number: 754/Pdt.G/2024/PN.
Those prosecuted are Sugianto Kusuma alias Aguan (CEO of Agung Sedayu Group); Anthony Salim (boss of the Salim group); PT. Pantai Indah Kapuk Dua TBK (PANI), the PIK-2 development company; PT Kukuh Mandiri Lestari, the company that acquired the land for PIK-2; Joko Widodo, the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia who gave PSN status to PIK-2; Airlangga Hartarto, President Joko Widodo's Minister of Economy; Drs. H. Surta Wijaya, General Chairman of DPP APDESI (All-Indonesia Village Leaders Association); MASCOT H. HJS. SE President of APDESI and the Ministry of Finance.
Khozinuddin explained that his party did not challenge the status of the National Strategic Project (PSN) PIK-2 because there were other parties that would challenge the matter at the PTUN, nor did it take any sanctions, whether linked to land grabbing or fraud. and so on. The reason is that what is being prosecuted is an illegal act on the PIK-2 project.
Regarding the reason why the Ministry of Finance is also being sued, Khozinuddin said, this ministry is not being sued to pay the amount of material and material compensation requested, which amounts to Rp. 616.2 trillion, which is equivalent to the APBN decit of 2025, so if the lawsuit is granted, the compensation will be paid immediately to the Ministry of Finance.
“So the deficit is covered and the government no longer needs to seek tax increases like 12% VAT, etc.,” he explained.
The 20 people who filed the lawsuit included 1. Menuk Wulandari (Presidium of the People's Alliance to Sue/ARM); 2. Edy Mulyadi (social media activist); 3. Rizal Fadillah (Political and national observer); 4. Colonel (retired) of the TNI Sugeng Waras; 5. Ida Nurhaida Kusdianti (Secretary General of the Homeland Forum); 6. Hilda Melvinawati; 7. R. Rachmadi; 8. Harlita Juliastuti K; 9. Sandrapati; 10. Suyanti; 11. Ida Saidah; 12. Tuti Surtiati; 13. Brigadier General TNI (retired) R. Kun Priyambodo; 14. TNI Colonel (retired) Muh Nur Saman (Retired Indonesian Fighters Forum/FPPI); 15. Colonel (retired) of the TNI Didi Rohendi; 16. Colonel (retired) of the TNI Achmad Romzan; 17. Colonel (retired) of the TNI Rochmad Suhadji; 18. TNI Colonel (retired) Drg Drajat Mulya HF; 19. Colonel (retired) of the TNI Iwan Barli Setiawan; and 20. Colonel (retired) of the TNI Alan Sahari Harahap.
Sources 2/ https://rmol.id/hukum/read/2024/12/02/647036/jokowi-hingga-taipan-aguan-dan-salim-grup-digugat The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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