Looking for COVID-19 Hotspots? Ignore countries where the virus has been resurrected
Toronto-The revival of COVID-19 in countries thought to have defeated the new coronavirus is widely publicized, but a small potato compared to what is happening elsewhere.
The near-record daily case and death figures released by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Saturday late in the country have never succeeded in fighting the virus in the first place, or for the first time ever experienced the anger. Has a relationship with the country
This week, the resurgence of “second waves” and other worrisome viruses is widespread in the news. New Zealand First case of community infection Over 100 days. South Korea is, Most total number of infections per day From March. Australia is Implement strict measures In some parts of the country there is more than the peak of the first wave.
Together, these three countries account for less than 0.2% of all new COVID-19 cases worldwide, according to WHO figures. Kenya reported more new cases by itself than the three had together. Guatemala reported double the number. The Philippines reported more than 10 times. Even the 390 Canadian lawsuits reported by the WHO represent more than either New Zealand, South Korea or Australia had alone.
There appears to be a larger source of concern about the second wave in Spain, where the top Spanish virus experts warned.Infections are increasing everywhereBut still, the number of COVID-19 patients in the hospital is only a fraction of the peak number in spring, and the 5,479 cases reported on Saturday were Spain’s 10th only on the global chart.
At the top of the list are India, Brazil and the United States, as they were more than two months ago. These three countries alone accounted for over 60% of the 294,237 new COVID-19 infections recorded by WHO on Saturday.
India, which has become the usual daily leader of these statistics over the past two weeks, has recorded 65,002 new cases. This compares to 60,091 in Brazil and 52,799 in the US. The fourth country on the list, Colombia, reported 11,286 new cases.
According to the report, since the beginning of the pandemic, India, Brazil, and the US account for more than half of all COVID-19 cases worldwide. Online aggregates from Johns Hopkins University..
“A typhoon’s eyes”?
While the overall viral landscape remains deteriorating in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific, in most other parts of the world the proportion of global infection rates has been relatively stable over the past month. This has led to the suggestion that some COVID-19 plateau may be occurring worldwide.
Asked about the possibility at Thursday’s press briefing, Michael Ryan, head of health and emergency at WHO, admitted that numbers have leveled off, but warned against trying to step back to proven antivirus technology. ..
“I may be in front of the storm and I don’t know,” he said.
“For those countries that have made progress, keep that progress. If you become ruthless or persistent, you will lose it.”
Ryan pointed out that approximately 21.5 million cases of COVID-19 have been globally confirmed, and that only a “small portion of the world’s population” is infected.
“This virus has a long way to go if we allow it,” he said.
Canadian public health officials seem to have similar concerns about mitigating anti-virus measures prematurely. Chief Health Officer Dr. Teresa Tam used the same “slow burn” analogy on Friday when she announced new modeling numbers for the government. Prepare for the “peak” of virus activity this fall, Followed by continuous local outbreaks until at least January 2022.
Tam said that individual Canadian actions play a major role in determining the severity of viral activity in Canada next year. Winnipeg.
Speaking on CTV News Channel on Saturday, Kyndrachuk said all Canadians should stop thinking about returning to their normal pre-pandemic activities and do everything they can to prevent or get the virus out. Stated.
“All this virus knows how to spread from person to person,” he said.
“We know what happens as long as that spark gives enough fuel to start spreading.”
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