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Reader Objects to Column | Elkin Tribune


To the editor:

Let me first introduce myself, my name is Angie Wagoner and I’m a native of Alleghany NC, your neighbors in the North. I’m emailing you in response to an article in Elkin Tribune written by Stephen Harris about earthquakes in our small mountain town that have caused tremendous amount of damage and grief to our citizens. I must say his lack of empathy, dismissive attitude and flagrant misrepresentation of our society is horrific and offensive. I understand this is an opinion piece but as someone who represents your newspaper, I hope the Tribune will make the people they represent by certain criteria. He states, “No damage was done on the day of the earthquake and nothing resulted in aftershocks. Well, he might want to get [expletive deleted] The facts are correct and his tone is correct, because that is not accurate in any way.

Firstly, this was not a joke !! The tone of the article is dismissive and sarcastic. We were rocked by a 5.1-magnitude earthquake on Sunday, and our town has had to deal with more than 30 small earthquakes and earthquakes before and after the “great earthquake”. Even this is a very rare event even by geological standards, has significance in its strength and nothing to be mocked. Shops, homes, businesses, farms, infrastructure, and more have been severely damaged. There are people who have lost their homes because they are not safe or have thousands of dollars in damages and do not have insurance to cover. I mean, who has earthquake insurance here? People are on the edge of a precipice and anxiety is high. We’ve been walking around on eggshells waiting for the next big hit. With every boom, every shake, and even every crack of loud thunder, it freezes and pauses. Is this something for fun? Mental stress and anxiety added to everything that was COVID-19/2020 is no fun, Mr. Harris !!! Is this something that should be highlighted as we referred to mountain hicks worrying about our goats in root cellars, dropping broth on shirts and wearing bibs ?? Please! Maybe some of us, so be it !! This man may have referred to us as his “neighbors” in the North, but he certainly did not show us any sympathy or respect. Men and women alike have worked long hours cleaning our society, reaching out to those in need, and asking for help from the state. This article was not an accurate reflection of the state of our society and its people and of the stress / fear we faced.

His dismissive attitude and sarcasm are unjustified and frankly, I don’t appreciate that at all. I love Elkin, I work in Elkin and I know there are amazing people out there. But I am a child from Ghanaian province, born and raised. I attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and went back to work and be a part of my community. I chose to raise our son here, because I love and appreciate the serenity and peace that come with being here. I have family members who will be the farmer in his bibs that Mr. Harris talks about and is proud to say I am! These are the guys who will work in the scorching sun all day and come to your house when it’s done to help clean up debris, rebuild fences or help repair the damage that could happen. So any time our boycott experiences something like this, it strikes us all. I don’t know Mr. Harris or his background, and frankly I don’t care. It may be better in the future if your writers focus on your community because it is clear that this knows very little about the societies, values, and people of other regions. I hope someone reads the articles before I print them, but I’ll say I don’t think so. I wish someone suggested a different point of view / tone.

Have a nice day and hope others pray for our community. I can assure you that if Elkin was in our place, we would pray for you.


Angie Wagoner

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