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Work from Home Breaks Work-Life Balance and Affects Mental Health: Expert


of COVID-19 The pandemic forced organizations to change the current state of functionality, leading to a new Work from Home standard. This was expected to be a win-win situation for employees, but the results are quite the opposite, a study shows.

The threat of travel-borne infections has allowed companies to work in their homes rather than in their office cubicles. It was assumed that in some circumstances employees could be given some rest and spend more time with their families, but experts do not.

They believe that WFH blurs the boundaries between work and personal space, causing problems with people’s mental health.

WFH has disrupted individual boundaries, said Muralilao, chairman of the Department of Neuropsychiatry at the Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago.

“In the past, people used to get up, dress, take transportation, and go to work. The travel time they use to transition from home mode to work mode. When they return, it tells them about their home Give time to plan and think, and vice versa.

“There were clear boundaries. Now that I’m working from home, my partners have different timings for their work. Then there’s kids, cooking, and other activities. The timing is messed up. Some are doing well, but the vast majority are not well organized.

“It’s no wonder people are ready to go out and return to organizational life,” said the doctor, during a panel discussion between webinars on mental health and wellness. Coronavirus Outbreak.

This webinar was held on Tuesday by the Indian Chamber of Commerce (Assocham) as part of an ongoing series on Health, from Disease to Wellness.

Anil Rajput, chairman of Asocham’s CSR Council, said WFH has disrupted the entire family ecosystem.

“The new normal of working at home has disrupted the entire family ecosystem for months, creating new challenges for people. In reality, humans are social animals. Yes, and when people can’t be socially involved, mechanisms that embrace new ecosystems and facilitate communication are critical to ensuring healthy mental health,” he added.

Prakrit Podall, managing director of the Podall Foundation, said the lack of boundaries magnifies cases of working women and causes mental health problems.

“While among WFHs, especially working women, they are in an old-fashioned role where they find it difficult to manage a home at work. They feel they were not understood. Anxiety and It’s causing stress,” the doctor said.

But Poder also suggested that such problems could be resolved by talking to the family. “Most people have never had a conversation in India, so they have never established their boundaries in India.

“Boundaries can be effectively established through open conversations with families,” she advised.

Poder also added that a day’s dissolution for working individuals could help manage stress and other mental health problems.

“Explain your day in the way you explain your money. We must take into account the energy and time we have. Of course, a constant of 8 to 9 hours. There is some working time, but it is also necessary to be an hour for the whole family and sometimes to be together as a couple.Of course, “my time” is 30-35 minutes. She said.

Rajput said that people need to reposition themselves and balance their work while maintaining their mental and physical health.

Lao added that the best way to activate tissues is to follow four rules of thumb: proper sleep, good exercise, nutritious food intake, and stress management.



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