Professor Cambridge discovers a surprising way to reverse most cases of type 2 diabetes
The body mass index is a much stronger risk factor for type 2 diabetes than genetics, suggesting a new study in nearly half a million people.
According to research experts, most cases of this disease can be prevented or cured if someone’s BMI is kept below the individual’s cutoff point that causes abnormal blood sugar levels.
Professors at the University of Cambridge explain why healthy people and obese people don’t develop it, thinking that everyone has different thresholds and is at risk for diabetes.
Professor Brian Fellence said the results of the study could have “significant impacts” on approaches to condition screening, prevention, treatment, and even reversal.
A study of 445,765 UK Biobank participants was divided into five groups according to genetic risk of diabetes and five groups based on BMI.
More than half of the participants were female, with an average age of 57 and were followed up to an average age of 65.
During that period, 31,298 people developed type 2 diabetes.
The group with the highest BMI had an 11-fold higher risk of diabetes than the group with the lowest BMI, and researchers were more likely to develop diabetes than any other BMI group, regardless of genetic risk, according to the researchers. It was
Researchers also found that the length of time a person had a higher BMI did not affect the risk of diabetes.
Professor Fence says: “This suggests that when people cross a certain BMI threshold, they are more likely to have diabetes and remain at the same high risk level regardless of the duration of their overweight.”
Further explaining the importance of the study, he said: “Keeping BMI below a person’s threshold can prevent most cases of diabetes.
“But that also means that the (study) hadn’t been focused in the past. If you actively lower someone’s BMI below the BMI threshold shortly after someone develops diabetes, most diabetic You can even reverse the case.
“The fact that BMI appears to have a threshold rather than a cumulative effect on diabetes risk has potentially important implications for the concept of screening, preventing, treating, and reversing diabetes. I will.”
He said work was underway to allow researchers to deduce what someone’s threshold was, and he expected a breakthrough in it by the end of this year or the beginning of next year.
According to the British Heart Foundation, findings presented at the European Heart Association highlight the need to regularly measure BMI and track blood glucose levels in high-risk people.
“We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with us,” said Jeremy Pearson, Associate Medical Director of the organization. “This important study of nearly half a million people shows that BMI is a more significant risk factor than before for type 2 diabetes.”
“When someone’s BMI exceeds an individual’s threshold, blood sugar levels rise, causing the development of type 2 diabetes, which increases the risk of damaging blood vessels and causing heart and cardiovascular disease.
“If you’re overweight, you can lower your BMI by making small, long-term changes to your lifestyle, such as reducing your potion size or increasing your physical activity. This can affect your heart and blood vessels. It is suitable.”
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