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Research reveals that lactose tolerance occurred rapidly in Europe


Research reveals that lactose tolerance occurred rapidly in Europe

Various bones at the excavation site of the Bronze Age battle. Some of them were genetically tested to determine the presence of the lactase resistance gene. Credit: Stefan Sauer / Tollense Valley Project

The ability of adults to digest milk has changed our diet and society for centuries. However, it is controversial when and how its function, known as lactase persistence or lactose resistance, occurred and was established. By testing genetic material from bones of people who died in the Bronze Age battle around 1200 BC, an international team of scientists, including Dr. Krishnavilama at Stony Brook University, confirmed that lactase remains only in Central Europe. It suggests that it has spread. Thousands of years, much faster than most evolutionary changes found in humans. Their findings are Current biology..

Despite the excellence of About two-thirds of the world’s population drinking in Europe and North America today remains lactose intolerant. Mammals generally do not digest milk as an adult. So, for example, do not feed pet milk to adult cats or dogs. However, a subset of humans have a genetic mutation that allows the enzyme lactase to digest the lactose in milk throughout an individual’s life. Many of these people are from Central or Northern Europe.

The battle occurred on the banks of the present-day German river Trense, probably one of the most important in the Bronze Age of Europe, made up of about 4,000 warriors, a quarter of which during battle. died. Researchers were able to sequence DNA from some bone fragments recovered from the battlefield, albeit over 3000 years old.

Veeramah, an associate professor of the Faculty of Ecology and Evolutionary Chemistry of the School of Arts and Sciences, said that one of the studies involved comparing the overall genetic ancestry of battlefield populations with other modern and ancient populations and comparing their frequencies. Lactase persistent allele to other modern and ancient populations, particularly those of medieval Europe.

Lactose tolerance has spread throughout Europe in just a few thousand years

An in-situ Bronze Age skull in the Trense Valley. Credit: © Stefan Sauer / Tollense Valley Project

A research team led by colleagues at Joachines Burger and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) found that dairy consumption from some early cows was partly despite the battle over 4,000 years since the introduction of agriculture in Europe. Were found to be involved, only one in eight goats, sheep livestock-warriors had a genetic mutation capable of degrading lactose.

“If you look at other early-Medieval European genetic data less than 2000 years ago, more than 60% of people have the ability to drink milk as adults, similar to that observed in modern Central European countries. You see, it’s in the 70-90 percent range,” said Veeramah. “This is actually an incredibly fast rate of change in the genes that control milk digestion. Past European individuals who have the ability to digest lactose with only this one genetic change No. This is the strongest evidence we have of human positive natural selection.”

The lead author of the study, JGU’s Joachim Burger, added that there is still no definitive answer to the question: why being able to digest lactose after infancy has brought such major evolutionary benefits. Is it?

“Because milk is a high-energy, relatively uncontaminated drink, its intake might have provided greater chances of survival when food shortages and potentially drinking water supplies could be contaminated. No,” explained Burger.

Central Europeans had already digested milk 1000 years ago

For more information:
Current biology (2020).

Quote: Research reveals that lactose resistance occurred rapidly in Europe (September 3, 2020) Get September 3, 2020 from html

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