Pediatricians urged others to help guide better nutrition choices
The food your child eats early forms the basis for understanding nutrition. A recent study shows how early education diets are evaluated compared to what children eat at home, and how educators and health care providers can work together to promote healthier choices I’m investigating.
of Investigation,1 Published in Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and NutritionWe surveyed the diet of children aged 3 to 4 over a 24-hour period at the Center for Early Care and Education (ECE) in North Carolina, USA. The 24-hour snapshot examined both meals and snacks at the ECE during the day, and examined parental reports of what the children ate at home for the rest of the day. Data were collected between 2015 and 2016 and evaluated using the Healthy Eating Index 2015.
The purpose of this report was to investigate the quality of diet at ECE and see how the nutritional value of these diets compares to the food provided in the orphanage.
“Our results show that dietary quality for children’s intake at ECE is minimal and sufficient. Not evaluated in this study, but previous studies found that children in the center Nutritional education has been shown to have mixed results, but it is usually more effective when parents are included,” said lead author Courtney T. Looking, PhD, MPH. , RDN, Associate Professor and Extension Health and Nutrition Specialist at the University of Kentucky Lexington. “We need to be better able to identify the types of food and beverages served to children, and the behaviors adults see during meals and snacks.”
The authors of the study concluded that both parents and ECE were major contributors to the child’s diet. Not enough information was included in the report to make an overall nutritional assessment, but children in these age groups consume most of their daily intake outside of educational facilities. The quality of food is what these kids have at home.
“Overall, the quality of the food is poor, but the quality of food consumed by children at ECE is higher than that consumed elsewhere,” the report said. “Early care and education centers remain an important source of nutrition.”
More research is needed to determine the best ways to help ECEs and families create a better nutritional basis for their children.
In this study, children consumed a total of 40% of their daily nutrition on ECE, and food and drink consumed on ECE scored higher on a healthy diet index than at home or on weekends. Luecking says the study identified priority nutrients and food groups to improve the quality of dietary intake for children in early care and education settings and at home.
“By taking steps to provide a healthier environment for children in terms of the types of food and drinks they offer, and helping caregivers work together towards a common goal, we are Can improve the nutritional status of,” she says. “Early childhood nutrition has short- and long-term effects on physical, emotional, social, and cognitive health and development.”
She said two key points in the report are that we need to consider a more “big picture” when we teach children about healthy foods, and look into all sources of intake. ..
“We need to get information that creates a complete picture of the food and drink combinations our children consume, such as the quality of our diet, rather than focusing on specific foods or nutrients,” says Luecking. “We need to consider all environments and adults who care for young children, because they can contribute differently to the quality of their food intake.”
She explains that at home, the quality of the diet was generally poor. Food and drink choices are just a bit better in an educational setting.
“Regardless of the environment, children need to have access to healthy foods and adults who encourage the consumption of these foods,” says Lukking. “By ensuring consistent access and support, the overall dietary quality is significantly improved, vegetables, especially greens and beans, seafood and vegetable protein are increased, sodium and sugar are reduced, whole grains are reduced. With refined grain, you can replace unsaturated fats with saturated fats for heart health.
She added that a multidisciplinary approach is needed for improvement, suggesting a joint effort by parents, educators, and policy makers. Adults should be in good nutrition, she says, and never forget how children see them as an example.
“Children learn by watching adults in the lives of both early care and education providers and families. Adult models consuming and enjoying healthy foods are a good example I guess,” says Luecking. “There are some behaviors that are good intentions but counterproductive when trying to promote the consumption of healthy foods. Adults pressure children, bribery and punish certain foods and drinks. Alternatively, adults can be encouraged to try healthy foods, offer praise, and help children pay attention to hunger and satiety cues. Is a way to help children consume and learn about healthy eating patterns.”
She says clinicians can help the whole family by providing education on healthy eating and nutritional resources.
“By participating in advocacy programs, pediatricians can take steps to support families who have access to early care and educational environments and services.” This can be local, state, or national. May be a level. Pediatricians can also talk to parents and other families about advocating healthier foods and beverages in a child care environment.”
Pediatricians also need to screen general nutritional behavior and create opportunities to educate parents about nutritional support programs available, including supplemental nutritional support programs and local food banks, as needed.
Luecking hopes the study will emphasize the importance of a good nutritional base early on, helping pediatricians to help improve families and educators.
“Early dietary quality affects individuals and their future generations. I hope this report will encourage action to support childhood nutrition improvement efforts. “Creating and maintaining healthy habits is a lifelong endeavor that requires the support of people in each place where children live, learn and play.”
1. Luecking C, Mazzucca S, Vaughn A, Ward D. Contribution of early care and educational programs to the quality of the diet of children aged 3 to 4 in central North Carolina... J Acad Nutr Diet.. 2020;120(3):386-394. doi: 10.1016 / j.jand.2019.09.018
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