The brain of a dodgy person must do more to feel empathy for others
According to a new study from the University of Sussex, people who drink violently have more extensive brain dysfunction than previously recognized.
Studies show that the brains of overdrinkers must make more efforts in trying to feel empathy with other people suffering from pain.
A paper entitled “Differences in Brain Responses Regarding Perception of Pain during Sympathetic Responses in People Who Don’t Drink Bingji, Compared to People Who Do Not Drink Bingji” Neuroimage: Clinical journal. The study involved 71 participants (from France and the United Kingdom), Brain activity Observed with an fMRI scanner while performing a pain perception task. Half of these people were classified as bulimia and the other half were unclassified. The binge drinkers were calm while they were observed.
In the task, participants were shown an image of an injured limb, imagining whether a part of their body belonged to themselves or another person’s image, and the degree of pain associated with that image. I was asked to say. Participants who drank too much struggled more than non-drinking partners when trying to adopt the view that others were experiencing pain. They spend more time reacting and scans have revealed that their brains have to work harder to use more nerves Resources-Understanding how intensely painful others are To do.
This study also revealed a more extensive dysfunction than previously realized. Visual areas of the brain involved in cognition Body part, Showed abnormally high levels of activation in abnormal drinkers. This did not apply to non-binge drinkers who saw the same image.
When rough drinkers were asked to imagine the injured body part in their pictures as their own, their pain estimates were no different from those of their non-binge drinks.
“I have been studying the effects of drinking too much alcohol for many years, while professor Theodora Duka of Psychology at the University of Sussex has been building a strong body of evidence for a wide range of ways to overdrink. Drinking is associated with brain dysfunction in areas that support self-regulation and attention.The purpose of this study is to prevent non-sympathetic and non-sympathetic addicts when other people feel pain. The goal was to find out if the brains of drinkers respond differently, because reducing empathy for radical drinkers can diminish the perception of suffering for yourself and others during a drinking session. This study has shown that the dysfunction associated with extreme drinking is even more extensive than before. Brain regions and spindle regions associated with body part recognition Called back and re-experienced showing hyperactivity to the abuser in the context of feelings of empathy.”
Dr. Charlotte Ray, Department of Psychology, University of Sussex, said: “Our results are very surprising. Our data show that people with bulimia need more effort to empathize with other painful people. You need to use more resources, the term higher brain activity than drinkers who don’t drink binge. Everyday life Is that people who drink too much may have difficulty perceiving pain Of other people as easy as those who do not drink binge. It’s just that radical drinkers don’t feel empathy, they just have to do more. brain Resources to do so. However, in certain circumstances where resources are limited, enthusiastic drinkers may struggle to engage in an empathetic response to others. “
Drinking is defined as consuming at least 60 g of pure alcohol (approximately three-quarters a bottle, or 2 1/2 pints of lager) at least once in the last 30 days. About 30% of all adults (aged 15 and over) drinking alcohol in the UK and France meet this criterion.
Charlotte L. Rae et al, Differential brain responses to perceived pain during the empathic response of radical drinkers compared to non-overdrinkers, NeuroImage: Clinical (2020). DOI: 10.1016 / j.nicl.2020.102322
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University of Sussex
Quote: Binge-drinkers’ brains have to work hard to feel empathy for others (September 10, 2020). Obtained from https:// // from September 10, 2020. html
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