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The UK will start injecting COVID-19 vaccine by November, leaked documents say

The UK will start injecting COVID-19 vaccine by November, leaked documents say
The UK will start injecting COVID-19 vaccine by November, leaked documents say


The United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) plans to deploy hundreds of staff at five sites in November to inject thousands of COVID-19 vaccines. Sun..

these Leaked paper Shows that deployed NHS staff with paramedics and trainee nurses at each mass vaccination center will provide coronavirus jabs in early November. The centers are located in London, Hull and Leeds, but if planned, a total of five will be operational by Christmas.

You can see a small toy figure in front of the Covid-19 vaccine logo in this illustration taken

(Photo: Reuters / Daddle Bitch)
A small toy figure can be seen in front of the Covid-19 Vaccine logo in this illustration, taken on September 9, 2020.

In addition, pharmacists and general practitioners will support mass vaccination as mobile units are deployed in long-term care facilities and vulnerable communities. In addition, it is suggested that nutritionists, foot illness specialists, and veterinarians be included in the vaccine administration if regulations are relaxed and suggestions are possible.

These plans indicate that the vaccine will be rolled out by the end of October, but the European Medicines Agency and UK regulators have not yet approved the administration of the vaccine. Until then, the schedule may be stuck.

“The first test results are most likely to be available after a month, which means that the best possible deployment scenario is just before Christmas,” said an anonymous source. Sun Authorities added that they are carefully planning not to interrupt the distribution of the vaccine “once the jab works.”

Meanwhile, British Health Minister Matt Hancock said on Sunday, October 4, the military would help distribute the COVID-19 vaccine. He said at an online Tory meeting that the military had already planned to support the deployment of the NHS. The Minister of Health said the vaccine brings “great hope” to the elimination of the deadly coronavirus.

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Vaccine candidate

Oxford University is leading the vaccine race as it has been testing since April. While waiting for regulators to approve the vaccine before Christmas, the UK government has already pre-ordered about 100 million Oxford vaccines.

The leaked document states that the NHS will begin injecting COVID-19 vaccine by November.

(Photo: CDC / Unsplash)
The leaked document states that the NHS will begin injecting COVID-19 vaccine by November.

Success has not yet been proven, as these vaccines are considered effective in two rounds, but government orders apply to only about 50 million people. These jabs are given at 28-day intervals, requiring approximately 600,000 injections per day to be given twice to 53 million adults within 6 months.

Hancock said jabs are given to people according to their priorities. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Vaccination has proposed the following orders for vaccination:

  • Care home workers and residents
  • Social welfare workers and people over 80
  • Everyone over 75 years old
  • People aged 70-74
  • People aged 65-69
  • High-risk people under the age of 65 with underlying health
  • Medium-risk people under the age of 65 with underlying health
  • People aged 60-64
  • 55-59 years old
  • Everyone over 50
  • Priorities have not yet been announced, but other members of the population

Kate Bingham, head of the UK Vaccine Task Force, said that the COVID-19 vaccine can be given to about 30 million people, less than half of the UK’s 67 million population.

“We just need to vaccinate everyone at risk,” Bingham said, adding that people under the age of 18 would not be vaccinated.

Read again: Oxford University is 80% confident that the groundbreaking COVID-19 vaccine will be ready by September

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