State announces coronavirus vaccination plan
Vaccine supply is expected to be low at first, so the plan outlines a list of priorities for deciding who will be vaccinated first.
The Denver-Governor Jared Polis (D-Colorado) Medical Advisory Group has announced a preliminary plan for distribution in Colorado when the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available.
The· Documents on the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) website Recommendations from the Governor’s Expert Emergency Response Committee (GEERC) provide guidance for state-level distribution to local jurisdictions and provide guidance on who and when to vaccinate primary vaccine providers. Says it is intended to be provided to.
According to the document, the long-term goal of the vaccination program is to vaccinate all eligible persons in the state.
However, we admit that there is a very shortage of approved or approved vaccines at first.
According to the document, the core principles of fairness, transparency, consistency, proportionality, accountability, duty of care, and obligation to manage resources, especially in the event of a shortage, are important to the process of developing a vaccine strategy.
The document states that there are four important groups to consider when deciding who will be vaccinated first.
- Important workforce -This group includes healthcare professionals, firefighters, emergency medical services, police officers, and important public health personnel. According to the document, these people were chosen because they are often at greatest risk of being exposed to COVID-19 through their important role in maintaining their work and essential social functioning. .. Documents state that they can often save the lives of others and provide instrumental value to society.
- Key worker -These are people who work in important businesses and are considered essential by those businesses. Examples include grocery workers, food service workers, transport workers, electricity and water workers, teachers, and vaccine makers. The document states that key workers may be at increased risk of exposure to COVID-19 and may be “vectors of infection” for more vulnerable populations.
- Individuals at risk of moderate to severe illness and death -According to documents, these are people who develop moderate to severe illness and are at significantly higher risk of dying from COVID-19. Key risk factors include living in long-term or long-term care facilities, people over the age of 65, people with obesity or diabetes, cancer, and other conditions.
- general citizen 18-64 years old adults.
The vaccination stages in the preliminary plan are as follows:
The plan also recommends that CDPHE and local public health agencies seek to direct vaccines to new hotspots based on the latest positive and infection rates.
In addition, this document describes the imbalanced effects of viruses on the color community and how to deal with them. These health inequality need to be considered at all levels of COVID-19 response, and vaccination programs can exacerbate inequality if not done in a fair and equitable manner. Keep in mind that there is. It also states that concerns about vaccine hesitation among the color communities must be addressed.
The document also addresses the general public’s hesitation in vaccines, with 30-50% of individuals having serious concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine and an even higher proportion of undervalued minorities. Stated.
CDPHE and other Colorado organizations say they have developed a strong community engagement group and a fair response team to address vaccine development and safety concerns.
Vaccine hesitation among healthcare professionals can also be an issue, according to the document. It points out that recent concerns about the speed of development and testing, and the political implications of the approval process, have increased the likelihood that healthcare professionals will avoid the COVID-19 vaccine.
CDPHE recommends frank contact with healthcare professionals and institutions about their concerns. We also encourage various organizations to develop a transparent process for evaluating vaccine data and communicating it with healthcare professionals when it becomes available. The document states that if healthcare professionals feel that the vaccine is safe, the general public wants to do so.
The document states that the vaccine distribution system must be transparent, fair, impartial and just, with a step-by-step approach that combines “what you are doing” and “who you are” and social functioning. , Explains prioritization based on instrumental value and concludes that it saves the most. Life and fairness.
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