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Common fabrics can make effective masks against viral particles, but difficult to breathe

Common fabrics can make effective masks against viral particles, but difficult to breathe


Face mask According to new research, those made of common layered cloths help filter ultrafine particles and provide some protection when commercial face masks are not available. Researchers hope that the results will help inform the manufacturer in choosing the fabric to use for the mask.

Credit Flickr Baker County

Due to the pandemic, in many countries there were not enough face masks to protect the general public as well as medical staff. However, most countries have policies that require individuals to wear face masks when they leave the house.

Now it’s hand sewn Face mask It is needed by many as an affordable option or to meet excessive demand. Extensive online resources are available to help household sewers and manufacturers make masks, but scientific guidance on the best materials is currently limited.

Not as effective as a surgical mask, but homemade Face mask Previous studies have shown benefits in filtering viral and bacterial particles. Their main purpose is to limit the spread of viral particles from respiratory activity, rather than blocking the inhalation of infectious particles.

A team of researchers at the University of Cambridge and Northwestern University have tested the effectiveness of various fabrics in filtering particles of most virus sizes, such as COVID-19. They did so at high speeds, comparable to coughing and strenuous breathing. They also tested N95 and surgical masks.

“Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, fabric masks have become a new necessity for many of us,” said lead author Eugenia Okelly. “In the early stages, when the supply of N95 masks was extremely scarce, many sewers and manufacturers began making their own fabric masks to meet demand that the supply chain couldn’t meet.”

For research, researchers built a device consisting of sections of tubes, with a sample of fabric in the center. Aerosolized particles were generated at one end of the device and their levels were measured before and after passing through the fabric sample at a cough-like rate. They also consulted with the online garment community to find out what kind of fabric they are using to make their masks.Due to a serious shortage of N95 mask At that time, some sewers reported that they were experimenting with inserting a vacuum bag with a HEPA filter into the mask.

The findings show that most fabrics commonly used for non-clinical face masks are effective in filtering ultrafine particles. While the N95 mask was very effective, the reusable HEPA vacuum bag actually outperformed the N95 in several ways.

Homemade masks made of multiple layers of cloth were more effective, but those that also incorporated an interface normally used to reinforce the collar showed a significant improvement in performance. Nonetheless, this performance improvement made it more difficult to breathe than the N95 mask.

Researchers have also examined the performance of various fabrics when wet and after a normal washing and drying cycle. They found that it worked well while the fabric was damp and worked well after a single wash cycle. However, be careful not to use the mask indefinitely.

“In emergencies where the N95 mask is not available, as in the early days of this pandemic, fabric masks have shown to be surprisingly effective in filtering particles that may contain viruses, even at high speeds.” O’Kelly said. In the statement, I look forward to the significance of the research.

The study was published in Journal BMJ.

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