Next Samsung fitness machine could carry the "Bean" brand
Samsung has registered a trademark of the word "Bean" for what appears to be a fitness accessory to wear on the ear. The brand was first noticed by the Dutch web magazine LetsGoDigital and, more directly, applies to a listening device. But that also applies to a device that includes software for tracking distance, speed, time, changes in heart rate, activity level, and calories burned.
The main purpose of this laptop, however, is described as headphones. So the implication is that Samsung Bean will be wireless headphones that will also follow health measures. This is if the South Korean company gets the mark.
Details are still thin here but not entirely absent
Aside from incorporating fitness tracking, Samsung Bean is described by the brand as also having several other important features.
Most importantly, Samsung includes a "sensor to detect" whether the headset is on or off. This seems to imply that these headphones will be able to detect whether the user is wearing them or not. This would allow the headphones to be paused or not, depending on whether or not the user has them in the ear.
Conversely, although the functionality is not at all new, Samsung could go so far as to deactivate them and reactivate them completely. Or to put them on standby or standby using this same sensor.
On the software side, Samsung's description also indicates that the software will provide a "fitness guide" with the Bean brand headphones. This would likely be linked to another feature found in older Samsung headphones. Namely, it is an integrated ability to automatically detect when the wearer is training.
If so, Samsung Bean may be able to detect a workout and then not only provide music and metrics tracking. He may also be able to provide comprehensive advice depending on the type of training detected. Or at least, he may be able to provide more general fitness advice based on the health parameters measured by the headphones.
One aspect not covered by the EUIPO trademark registration is the design of the laptop. But this can be revealed in the naming convention used.
Specifically, Samsung may consider using a design that closely resembles the familiar shape of a bean. This would be equivalent to smoother edges and corners than those of previous models. Samsung Bean may be more comfortable and easier to install or remove due to its smaller size.
Is Samsung Bean a direct follow-up to Gear IconX?
Samsung Bean seems to be an entirely separate approach to wearable devices from the company's current iteration of headphones. Samsung's Galaxy Buds and Galaxy Buds + followed the tech giant's Gear IconX headphones in 2018.
The Samsung Galaxy Buds weren't necessarily a successor to these headphones, although that was the original expectation. Rather than focusing on fitness, the Samsung Galaxy Buds focused on comfortable design, audio quality and wireless charging features. Samsung's Gear IconX headphones were decidedly more focused on fitness, with training detection, IP67 infiltration resistance for dust and water and 4 GB of built-in storage.
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