Doctors explain how the virus can kill patients
A frontline physician who takes care of a severe coronavirus patient gave a brutally detailed explanation of what it would be like to die from the virus.
Dr. David Hepburn, an intensive care consultant at the Royal Gwent Hospital in Wales, was commissioned to channel 4 in the UK to explain how someone dies after being infected with the coronavirus.
The answer to completely dismantle his stomach:
“We know mainly that coronavirus causes respiratory failure. When it spreads to the lungs, it causes so-called pneumonia, which makes the lungs very wet and infiltrate inside. The normal mechanisms that hold the body fluids break down: small membranes, tissues, and the base of the lung become porous, allowing fluid to leak from the circulation into the lungs, which is almost like drowning.
“One of the things we provide to a ventilator is pressure. This helps to push out some of that fluid and keep the lungs open. So … the breathing works very well People are exhausted because they basically die and die.
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“So, if you imagine that your lungs are usually like a nice light sponge, it’s light and mobile.If you’ve ever pulled a sponge out of a bucket of water, how heavy and damp are you That’s exactly the same thing: if your lungs are completely calm, it’s very difficult to breathe.
“What happens over time is that people’s oxygen levels fall and the levels of carbon dioxide, which is a gas they normally breathe, rise in the blood. It makes you more sleepy-it has the effects of drugs And people gradually worsen respiratory failure, eventually lose consciousness, breathe shallower, and die. “
Dr. Hepburn explained how it looked without intervention-putting the patient on a ventilator, and slowly painful death is hopefully avoided. The problem with the spread of the coronavirus worldwide is access to respirators.
Hepburn explained that this was not the only cause of death for patients suffering from coronavirus. He gradually stopped his kidneys, lungs, liver, and even circulation, and saw the patient die from “multi-organ failure”.
“We’ve also seen patients who develop what is called myocarditis. When they start to recover – often the heart can be so badly affected that they develop heart failure. We believe it is the leading cause of death for COVID patients we have seen, “he said.
When Channel 4 tweeted the clip, he stated: “With this description of dying from the coronavirus, nothing happens if you don’t get home.”
Dr. Hepburn has not only been treated with coronavirus, but has also been infected by a virus from a colleague. He said he had been recovered but had been wiped out of the disease.
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