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Cleaning of cloth masks, evaluation of effectiveness-Friday, November 6, 2020

Cleaning of cloth masks, evaluation of effectiveness-Friday, November 6, 2020


Face masks are essential as an important device to reduce the spread of coronavirus. However, many people today are choosing cloth masks instead of the medical masks that were the focus of the buying frenzy shortly after the advent of COVID-19.

Cloth masks are more economical and environmentally friendly as they can be worn, washed and re-weared.

So when and how should you wash your cloth mask?

Indonesia Medical Association (IDI) M in South Jakarta. According to the head of Yadi Permana, washing masks to remove potential droplets carrying SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is not rocket science.

“Actually, ordinary [laundry] Anything that contains detergent or chlorine is enough to kill the coronavirus, “Yadi said as quoted Wednesday.

Yadi explained that some studies mention special procedures for washing cloth masks, such as pre-immersing the cloth mask in hot water for an hour. In fact, he said, maintenance of cloth masks does not require any special methods or pretreatment. It was enough to wash as usual and did not need to be soaked in advance.

“Detergent containing chlorine [bleach] It can kill many types of viruses. “

Yadi also suggested washing the mask separately from the clothing. “”[Masks] The clothes may have so they need to be separated [aerosol] Droplets, cloth masks may have directly [expelled] “Drops”.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 spreads primarily through respiratory droplets It is excreted when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, or sings, especially when someone is within 1 meter of the person in a confined space. Droplets can also land on an object or surface and spread when someone touches it.

WHO recommends cleaning cloth masks “At least once a day“.

A previous study that ranked 14 commonly available masks found that medical masks were significantly more protected against droplet infections than masks made of cotton fabric. Bandanas and balaclavas, on the other hand, proved to be completely ineffective in terms of protection.

Surgical masks containing polypropylene are not too late, reducing droplet propagation by more than 90% compared to not wearing a face cover at all.

Handmade cotton masks also provide excellent protection, eliminating 70-90 percent of the spray from normal conversation, depending on the number of layers of fabric and pleats.

However, while the bandana reduced respiratory droplets by only 50%, the neck fleece actually increased the amount of spray. This was probably because it helped break down the largest droplets into many smaller droplets.

Agence France-Presse reported in August that a professionally worn N95 mask, a medical-grade mask worn by front-line hospital health care workers, reduced the spread of droplets to less than 0.1%.

Finally, the valved N95 breathing mask is designed for industrial environments where what the wearer exhales is less important than the potentially harmful or dangerous substances that the wearer may inhale. They have been found to function much like cloth masks in reducing the amount of exhaled droplets. (rock)

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