The PBS list of the lung cancer drug osimertinib is “a really big deal” for patients
“We were devastated and absolutely devastated,” she said.
But she considers herself lucky in a way. Her cancer has an EGFR mutation that allowed her to take a drug called osimertinib. It will be subsidized by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme from January 1st.
“I live a normal life,” said Mrs. Payne. She has stopped teaching at school, but because she loves oboe, she continues to teach oboe students at home. He also enjoys exercising and living with his husband, David, and two new ragdoll kittens.
“The only real side effect is fatigue. I take a nap in the afternoon.”
Listed on PBS means that Osimertinib (or Tagrisso) costs about $ 8,000 a month, which is $ 41.30 per script.
“This list of PBS improves access to life-changing drugs for an average of 1120 patients annually,” said Health Minister Greg Hunt.
“This list has the potential to offer patients greater chances of recovery, higher quality of life, and a brighter future.”
Professor John said osimertinib is a “new standard treatment” for patients such as Mrs. Payne, and the PBS list “makes a big difference.”
Randomized trials have shown that osimertinib is superior to standard treatment. This is because people can continue to take the drug for almost twice as long as the previous treatment and can give them an additional 9 months of life.
“We’ve long wanted this in PBS,” he said.
According to Professor John, the drug works by switching off the cancer cells needed for the cells to survive. It also blocks the ability of cancer cells to bypass the first switch, and decisively, the drug can also cross the blood-brain barrier.
“It’s really important to have medicine that goes into the brain,” said Professor John.
“Because it invades the brain, fewer people develop brain metastases that cause paralysis, seizures, nausea, headaches, and many other problems.”
Lung cancer was Australia’s largest cancer killer, despite being the fifth most common cancer diagnosis. It is estimated that 13,258 people were diagnosed and 8641 died this year.
“If you’re always diagnosed with lung cancer, you’re much more likely to die of lung cancer,” says Professor John.
Mrs. Payne said she was trying not to think too much. She and David try to stay positive, but there are miserable days.
“Sometimes you get up in the morning and it hits you like a lot of bricks, but we have a lot of things to thank,” she said. “We spend time with each other, family and friends, and enjoy life as much as possible.”
Rachel Clan is a federal political reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, covering health.
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