Lie County authorities answer your COVID-19 vaccine deployment question
Wink news
WINK News took dozens of questions from viewers about the deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine in Lie Group and took them to the county.
Why is the booking system in place, and why do other counties understand it?
The Innovation & Technology (IT) department of Lie County evaluates technology options. Lee County has a significant population over the age of 65, unlike the number of small Florida counties that started the booking system. The county’s IT department is in order to handle the expected call load when the booking system is launched and to remain robust for the duration of this event.
At this time, all vaccination destinations are on a first-come, first-served basis. This is to make the vaccine available to as many people as possible, and to prevent people who make reservations at no-shows or multiple vaccine sites from filling their reservations.
Some viewers went to the site, saw 400 people lined up, and later went home to find out that the site had more than 400 vaccines. What should people do?
The Department of State determines the number of vaccines issued on the site in real time. DOH uses a numbering system for people in line. Once all the numbers representing the available doses have been provided, law enforcement agencies and other personnel in the field will contact the personnel in line. You can instruct WINK viewers to line up until an official contacts you. You can also monitor DOH’s Twitter or Lee County Government’s social media channels.
What time is the 2-1-1 line open?
The line has staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which continues during the holidays. Recall to WINK viewers that the local DOH vaccination clinic has not been planned again until next week and its schedule has not yet been announced.
How much is the call volume?
Since the vaccination site was opened, the United Way 211 line has received more than 3,000 calls. Of these, 1,428 were associated with COVID-19. During the night from Monday to Tuesday, the 211 call center made 40 night calls. This is a higher number than usual.
How is the county working to reach people with limited transportation?
LeeTran leverages resources through its passport program. The LeeTran Passport Program is intended for pre-registered, ADA and transportation disadvantaged passengers. LeeTran is coordinating with the State Department to meet this need in the coming weeks.
What is the debate about delivering vaccines to people living in the senior community?
As the supply of vaccines increases, DOH will undoubtedly seek to visit older people in their area. At this time, the supply chain does not allow this.
What are your plans if someone reacts badly to the vaccine?
All DOH clinicians are equipped with an on-site anaphylaxis kit to address side effects. Paramedics and paramedics are also on site. I also use DOH CDCv-safe website..
What was the discussion about drive-through vaccination? They are doing it in other Florida counties, which has the added benefit of allowing people to stay socially distant.
Logistically, DOH states that drive-through sites require double staffing, which poses additional safety concerns to both residents and staff. At this time, DOH-Lee is considering all future options.
How do people who get the first vaccination get the second vaccination?
FDOH provides each person with a card that provides information on the date of vaccination and when to return to the second vaccination, usually within 28 days. (The modela vaccine commonly available in Lie County requires two doses to be effective.) Health officials say that people in the north who received the first dose in Lie County are not guaranteed. , Says you should stay in the county to get a second vaccination. When you return to your home, you can get a second dose and the second dose must be from the same manufacturer.
If you have any questions to Lie group officials or health authorities, email us [email protected]..
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