Studies suggest a strong link between gut flora, diet and health
A new study suggests that a diet rich in certain plant-based foods is associated with gut flora associated with a lower risk of developing conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. I will.
Scientists say the study is that people modify the gut flora (the genetic material of all microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses) to select the best food for their own biology. Shows that it has the potential to optimize health.
The findings can be used to provide personalized dietary advice for better health, based on a gut flora test.
Dr. Sarabury, a reader of nutrition at King’s College London, said: “As a nutritionist, finding new microbes related to certain food and metabolic health is exciting.
“Given the highly personalized composition of each individual’s microbiota, our research is to optimize our health by choosing the best foods for our unique biology. It suggests that the intestinal microbiota may be altered. “
The Predict 1 study analyzed data on participants’ intestinal microbiome composition, diet, and cardiac metabolic blood biomarkers.
Researchers have found evidence that the microbiota is associated with certain foods and diets, and that certain microbes in the gut are associated with biomarkers of metabolic diseases.
They say that the microbiome is more relevant to these markers than other factors such as genetics.
A study published in Nature Medicine found that having a rich microbial flora of Prevotella copri and Blastocystis species was associated with maintaining good postprandial blood glucose levels.
Other species were associated with low postprandial blood fat levels and markers of inflammation.
Some of the identified microorganisms are so novel that they have not yet been named.
Professor Tim Specter, an epidemiologist at King’s College London, who began his research on Predict and is the scientific founder of the science start-up ZOE, said: Of the microorganisms that live in your intestines. “
Researchers have found that the composition of someone’s gut flora is strongly associated with specific nutrients, foods, food groups, and overall dietary composition.
They discovered a strong microbiota-based biomarker of obesity, as well as markers of cardiovascular disease and impaired glucose tolerance, which are the major risk factors for Covid-19.
Professor Specter added: “By the time the research is peer-reviewed and published, we are very pleased to have transformed this state-of-the-art science into home testing.
“Through ZOE, we can now provide the general public with the opportunity to discover which of these microorganisms live in their gut.
“After taking the ZOE home test, participants receive individual recommendations on what to eat, based on a comparison of the results with thousands of participants in the predictive study.
“By using machine learning, you can share calculations about how your body reacts to food in real time through the app.”
Studies have found that subjects who ate a diet rich in healthy plant-based foods are likely to have higher levels of what they call good gut flora.
However, diets containing more highly processed plant-based foods were likely to be associated with bad gut flora.
Nicola Segata, a professor and senior researcher at the Computational Metagenomics Lab at Trent University in Italy, was the leader in microbiome analysis for this study.
She states: “I was surprised to see such a large and clear group emerge from our analysis, what we informally call” good “and” bad “microbes.”
Prediction 1 examined the association between dietary, microbiome, and cardiac metabolic health biomarkers.
The researchers collected microbiota sequence data, detailed long-term dietary information, and results from hundreds of cardiac metabolic blood markers from more than 1,100 participants in the United Kingdom and the United States.
Predict 2 completed its primary survey in 2020, with an additional 1,000 US participants, and Predict 3 was launched a few months ago.
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