Low-Carb Diets May Help People with Type 2 Diabetes Relieve
- new ResearchAnnounced at the BMJ on Wednesday, continuing a low-carb diet for six months was found to be associated with higher remission rates among people with type 2 diabetes.
- However, probably because of dietary restrictions, the effect leveled off in about a year.
- Reducing carbohydrate intake helps improve blood sugar levels along with other markers of carbohydrate intolerance or insulin resistance.
A new study shows that a low-carb diet may help some people with type 2 diabetes achieve remission.
TheĀ· ResearchStrict adherence to a low-carb diet for six months, announced at the BMJ on Wednesday, was found to be associated with increased remission rates in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Low-carb diets can be difficult to continue in the long run, and their benefits will level off after a year.
The findings highlight the important benefits of a low-carb diet in the short term, but more studies can help you better understand the long-term effects on weight loss, blood sugar, and quality of life. Is required.
People with type 2 diabetes Tolerant to carbohydrates, And eating them in excess can increase them Blood glucose level And to them Take high doses of insulin Or an antidiabetic drug.
To better understand the effects of a low-carb diet, the researchers analyzed data from 23 clinical trials that followed 1,357 patients with type 2 diabetes.
Participants continued on a low-carb or very low-carb diet for at least 12 weeks.
On a low-carb diet, 26% of the daily calories came from carbohydrates, and on a very low-carb diet, 10% of the daily calories came from carbohydrates.
Patient health and well-being (blood glucose, weight loss, quality of life, and adverse health events) were assessed at 6 and 12 months.
Researchers found that patients who adhered to a low-carb diet experienced a higher remission rate at 6 months compared to patients who did not adhere strictly to a low-carb diet.
Compared to other diets, a low-carbohydrate diet was associated with a 32 percent increase in diabetic remission.
People on low-carb diets also experienced weight loss, healthier body fat levels, and reduced substance use.
Dr. Mini ChassudEndocrinologists at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City say they routinely recommend low-carb diets for people with type 2 diabetes.
“We have found that over time, the benefits may diminish over time in those who do not adhere to it, but usually in patients who can work hard to continue this nutritional approach. , They continue to enjoy the benefits, “Sood said.
People with type 2 diabetes are intolerant to carbohydrates.
āReducing carb intake also reduces the burden on their bodies of overproducing insulin to deal with those carbs,ā Sood explained.
Reducing carbohydrate intake helps improve blood sugar levels along with other markers of carbohydrate intolerance or insulin resistance.
“A low-carb diet or a low-carb diet can reduce the rise in blood sugar levels after a meal,” he says. Audrey ColtonA registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator at the Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New York.
There is more than one diet that works for everyone, and due to strict restrictions, people often give up on a diet.
Sood said he advised patients to start with one meal at a time.
For example, she first tackles dinner and aims to reduce her carb intake by about 50% by replacing unhealthy starch-filled carbs with healthier sources such as healthy grains and lentils. I am proposing that.
From there, Sood advises patients to gradually reduce their carbohydrate intake at breakfast, lunch, and light meals.
She recommends non-starch vegetables and fruits with a low glycemic index such as berries. Healthy grains such as quinoa, sweet potatoes and brown rice and lentils are also beneficial sources of carbohydrates, Sood added.
Sweets and processed foods, which Sood often says are carbohydrate-based, are traded for healthier options.
Colton recommends healthy fats such as nuts, avocados, guacamole, hummus and olives. Unsweetened dairy products and protein-rich foods such as eggs, cheese, chicken and fish are also among the foods Koltun includes in its low-carb diet plan.
āAbout two weeks later, patients begin to notice that they gain more energy, lose weight, feel more stable, and feel more happy overall,ā says Sood.
A diet diary can help people unfamiliar with low-carb diets get going.
When starting a low-carb diet, it is important to work with a doctor or registered dietitian who specializes in diabetes and nutrition.
āIt’s important to monitor your blood sugar and adjust your medication as needed with the help of your doctor or other practitioner,ā says Sood.
Colton said people with type 2 diabetes should not start a low-carb diet without proper knowledge and guidance.
Not all carbohydrates affect blood sugar levels in the same way.
Instead of choosing a restricted diet, aim for a healthy, balanced, low-carbohydrate, high-fiber diet, Colton recommends.
āUndernourishment can result from dramatic changes and limiting the entire food group in the diet,ā Colton said. āWe need support and guidance, and proper dietary planning.ā
Colton added that nutritional therapy for diabetes requires a variety of diets.
Professionals can personalize their diets, taking into account people’s food preferences, lifestyles, cultural sensitivities, and food insecurity.
New studies suggest that a short-term low-carb diet can help people with type 2 diabetes achieve remission. Reducing your carbohydrate intake will increase your weight loss, improve your body fat levels, and reduce your medication usage. Further research is needed on the long-term effects of low-carb diets on blood sugar, body fat, and quality of life.
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