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Another 313 coronavirus cases recorded over 24 hours in North Wales

Another 313 coronavirus cases recorded over 24 hours in North Wales


7 more Coronavirus Related deaths have been reported in North Wales.

The number of deaths from the virus is currently 660. Betsikadwarador University Health Commission An area that covers North Wales.

Today, Sunday, January 17, a total of 313 new cases were reported across our region. Public Health Wales show.

Wrexham again recorded the highest increase in 90 new cases, while Flintshire opposed the second highest with 87 cases, a decrease of only three.

Throughout Wales, 48 ​​suspected Covid deaths are recorded today, with 4,274 deaths from the virus nationwide.

In addition, new statistics report a total of 1,172 new cases across Wales, increasing the total number of cases since the outbreak of the pandemic to 180,161.

The number of people tested in Wales is currently 1,427,640, and the number of people who received the first dose of the vaccine is 126,375.

So far only 129 people have both jabs.

The complete list of coronavirus cases across Wales on January 17 is as follows:

Betsi Cadwaladr: 313 new cases-26,375 in total

Anglesey: 14 new cases-total 1,425

Conwy: 33 new cases-total 2,779

Denbighshire: 40 new cases-40 total 3,462

Flintshire: 87 new cases-7261 in total

Gwynedd: 49 new cases-total 2,230

Lexem: 90 new cases-total 9,182

For the rest of the country

Aneurin Bevan: 195 new cases-36,132 in total

Cardiff and Veil: 227 new cases-28,920 in total

Cwm Taf: 166 new cases-37,041 in total

Hywel the Good: 90 new cases-13,343 in total

Powys: 82 new cases-3,101 in total

Swansea Bay: 85 new cases-25,890 total

Unknown location: 12 new cases-total 1,565

Total: 857 new cases-total 171,697

Dr. Eleri Davis, Incident Director of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Response at the Wales Public Health Service, said:

“The number of coronavirus-positive cases in Wales is so high that it affects NHS Wales services, raising serious concerns.

“All Wales remains blocked. Have the public adopt the same idea as in March 2020. I understand that people are tired, but a new highly infectious variant of the coronavirus. It is important for all of us to adhere to the blockade restrictions, as is widespread throughout Wales. Do not meet others.

“This means you have to stay at home. If you’re exercising outdoors, do it alone, with your family, or just support the bubble. Although you shop online If you need to go to an important retail store, do this alone if possible, minimizing the number of retailers and not stopping chatting with people outside the home. If you need to leave, keep a distance, wash your hands regularly, and wear face masks according to the rules as needed.

“Public Health Wales urges everyone to follow the rules to avoid coronavirus infections and protect everyone in our community, including the most vulnerable.

“Public Health Wales is working with a UK partner to investigate and respond to new variants of the coronavirus identified in Wales. New variants are easy to spread, maintain social distance, regularly wash hands, and face. The public needs to remain very vigilant about measures to prevent infection, such as wearing a cover. The new variant is more infectious, but there is no evidence that it leads to more serious illness.

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“Evidence of a negative COVID-19 test result at least 3 days before departure when traveling to England, Scotland, or Wales, including British nationals returning from overseas travel, from 4 am on Monday, January 18th. Must be submitted.

“Under the current UK COVID-19 restrictions, you must be at home. You may not leave or travel, including abroad, unless you have a legally permitted reason.

“If you plan to travel to the UK, keep an eye on the changing situation and check the FCO website for the latest details.

“Pfizer BioNTech and AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccines continue to be rolled out in Wales, and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) recently approved the inclusion of the Moderna vaccine in the program.

“Daily vaccination data is published on the Public HealthWales dashboard. The headline summary includes the cumulative number of individuals who received the first and second vaccinations per day. Public Health Wales works closely with the Welsh government to deploy coronavirus vaccination through a local health commission. The Welsh government is leading the deployment of vaccines in Wales.

“Vaccination of the Welsh adult population to protect people from serious illness is an important task, and it takes time for the vaccine to reach everyone. The vaccine will work for some time. It may not be seen nationwide, and we must follow the advice on keeping Wales safe.

“The Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Vaccinations (JCVI) is short statement We will outline examples of optimizing existing vaccine programs in the UK to achieve maximum short-term impact. JCVI first advises prioritizing the first vaccination. This is because it has a significant impact on public health in the short term and is likely to reduce the preventable deaths from COVID-19.

“Given the data available and evidence from the use of many other vaccines, Public Health Wales will increase the maximum interval between first and second doses of both the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine and the AstraZeneca vaccine to 12 weeks. We fully support JCVI’s advice.

“The general public should not call their GP, pharmacy, or hospital to ask when to vaccinate. When someone joins one of the vaccinated groups, the patient and health care professional You will be invited to a dedicated clinic that will be set up to ensure your safety.

“If you or your family develop a cough, fever, or taste or olfactory changes, you should immediately self-quarantine and call 119 or book a free coronavirus test. Click here..


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