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London Covid: The region of London where the number of patients at Covid Hospital is declining most rapidly

London Covid: The region of London where the number of patients at Covid Hospital is declining most rapidly


In some parts of London, hospitalizations have begun to “stagnate” for the first time since mid-December, but people are unsatisfied and doctors and councilors warn.

The three districts of Barking and Dagenum, Redbridge, and Newham are called the Covid Triangle because of the high virus infection rates in recent weeks, but it seems that things are starting to change here.

This week (until January 15th), the Barking and Dagenam Health and Welfare Commission heard that almost all of the 76 critical care beds at King George Hospital and Queens Hospital were occupied, but hospitalization was late. became.

The Commission was informed that staffing was still an issue in the field, as many had to self-isolate or quarantine in Covid-19.

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Fiona Pesquette, NHS Trust, Burking, Haveling, Redbridge University Hospital, said slowing hospitalization does not mean that it is safe to relax rules aimed at preventing the spread of the coronavirus. ..

She added: When it comes to critical care, it’s still quite full and we had to create an additional bed on the grounds of King George Hospital.

“Staffing is a problem. We have been working with colleagues in North East London to explore the potential for mutual aid.

“Everyone has the spirit of rolling up their sleeves. Consultants from all disciplines have helped as much as possible.”

The nearby Barts Health Trust, which operates hospitals in Tower Hamlets, Newham and the City, remains full, but hospitalization is delayed.

The trust had 193 patients with Covid-19 critical care beds or elevated oxygen levels identified on January 15, compared to 194 on January 6.

Councilor Maureen Warby said residents must continue to wear masks while on the go and comply with blockade rules.

“People are tired and tired, but there is a long way to go before the vaccine breaks this,” she added.

But while numbers are slowing everywhere, some parts of London are slowing faster than others. The fastest deceleration seems to be East London, then West, but prices in the South still seem to have risen slightly.

At the Burking Haveling Hospital and the Redbridge University Hospital NHS Trust, there was a peak of 518 Covid-positive patients in bed on January 11, but decreased to 478 on January 12. 10.10.

The Baht Health Trust had 828 patients who tested positive for Covid in bed on January 11 and 824 patients on January 12. At admission, there was a peak of 109 patients admitted to Covid on January 2, which gradually decreased to 84 in January. 10.10.

At Northwick Park and Eering Hospital in West London, there were 506 patients on January 11, but dropped to 473 on January 12. In the case of hospitalization, there was a peak of 80 people on January 2, but this gradually decreased, and only 46 Covid patients were hospitalized. January 10th.

However, at St. George’s Hospital in South London, there were an increase of 371 cases on January 11th and 381 cases on January 12th. However, the number of hospitalizations in January peaked at 55 and dropped to 43 on January 10.

Croydon University Hospital also continues to grow on January 11th and 12th with 244 and 250 Covid patients in bed. The peak number of hospitalizations was 51 on January 7, but it had decreased to 33 by January 10.

Across London, 7,799 Covid patients in London hospital beds began to decline on January 11th and 7606 patients on January 12th. So far, it has been steadily increasing.

If you have a story for us, please send an email to martin.elvery @


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