Bernie Sanders
No, Italy is not fighting medical care for everyone Instant news
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Democratic and Republican experts do not lack fake talking points to discredit the call for medical care for all. “How will you pay for that?” Abstinence is at the heart of a bipartisan (seemingly successful) effort to isolate the Bernie Sanders campaign.
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The last and unforgettable embodiment of this effort came when Democratic candidate Joe Biden armed the Italian healthcare system – which was surrounded by one of the world’s 19 deadliest cases of Covid disease – to universal health care during the March 15 democratic presidential election. He said: “With all due respect to medical care for all, you have one motivation system in Italy. It does not work there.”
There is nothing that Europeans like me enjoy other than listening to the words of American politicians about the myth of “endless lines” and the inadequate level of care we face in our individual payment system.
Before moving to the United States, I was never worried about accessing the health services I needed. As for our waiting line, nothing compares to the struggle to find an American doctor who will take new patients at the same time and accept my insurance, or the never-ending process of increasing billing and return disputes back and forth across the network of insurance companies and private sector brokers who participate one way or another in Every stage even in simple procedures.
The leadership position of the Democrats here is actually far to the right of the Italian Right’s spokesman and former Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, who will not dare attack the current public order. The fact that he recently obliged his party members to donate a portion of their salary to support him.
This is what was completely removed from Biden’s comment: When Covid-19 reached the coast of Italy, he found a country in the midst of a private sector transformation that had turned the health-care system by paying into one country into the Italian version of Habib Biden’s “public option” – putting millions at risk in the process. .
Withholding public funds by all Italian administrations since the 1990s and the parallel spread of private clinics has left the country with fewer health care workers and hospital beds, and longer waiting times.
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These cuts, coupled with similar attacks on public spending in education, pensions, and social security, have been coupled with the dramatic restructuring of labor relations that have made most of the Italian workforce struggle with increasingly dangerous forms of employment on the one hand, and unemployment threats on the other.
What does this mean during the epidemic? After being disarmed from paid holidays, unemployment benefits and not being able to miss a workday, people will get sick. Look familiar?
Since the situation in Italy has become critical, many researchers have identified the causes of the disproportionate destruction of the country’s outbreak (20,465 deaths on April 13): demographics (aging population), time (unidentified patient on February 20 after an unusual increase in hospitalization) For acute misinterpreted cases of pneumonia in the common cold), and the random application of locks (which inadvertently encourages (which inadvertently encourages affected influences) people in Lombardy to flee, spreading infectious diseases throughout the country).
Importantly, Italy increased its testing capacity from the start, as it tested more people than any other European country so far. The United States is lagging behind: On March 9, the Italian government tested more than 53,000 people and imposed almost complete national quarantine, while America only performed 4,183 tests. This was again when Donald Trump was still sarcastic about how the corona virus was nothing more than the flu.
Discrepancies in the test capacity made it difficult to compare relative transmission rates by country, but as the scope of the threats became clear, and countries – including the United States – expanded their tests quickly, Italy began to look lower than expected.
Italy’s high incidence does not test stress or deny the effectiveness of universal healthcare, as Biden will test. This appalling death rate does not in itself provide evidence that the state would have improved had the system been run by the private sector. Indeed, the Italians united behind a single motivated system on social media, and even the most hostile news outlets realized that it was their ability to coordinate national reorganizations of employees and health care facilities that might be preventing a full social tragedy.
The mistakes of the Italian authorities are certainly enormous: they fail to take immediate action as long as the window is available after they are aware of an outbreak in China and do not provide enough guidance to the public on how to slow transmission – for example, avoid ER or a general practitioner if you develop symptoms – even it’s too late. But this failure has nothing to do with the general nature of the health care system, and is closely related to the deadly component of the responsive mix and dangerous demographics: a decade of austerity policies. Since the turn of the century, more aggressive after the 2008 global recession, the universal healthcare system Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN) in Italy has seen continuous spending cuts and rounds of privatization.
SSN Americanization has continued since the 1990s, when Italy joined the European Union. But the global financial crisis of 2008 was an accelerator, and when the recession hit the country in 2011, the financial panic that quickly followed was used as a political influence to impose a series of structural reforms aimed at convincing financial markets of the health of Italy’s debt. . This is a case study of trauma doctrine.
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That Piani rientro, and policies aimed at reducing healthcare spending across the country become an essential tool through which to re-position the regional health service network that has become decentralized under the austerity savings program. The financial recovery plan puts those areas with a large deficit under the supervision of the Ministry of Health, and for the first time, the Ministry of Finance – which turns the provision of health care into a problem of financial stability.
In specific terms, this plan amounts to a € 37 billion reduction from SNN since 2010. Between 2008 and 2017, the employment freeze resulted in a decrease of 42,800 health care workers – especially doctors and nurses. Those who work are required to register longer hours for less pay. Meanwhile, the number of hospital beds fell dramatically, from 3.9 per million people in 2007 to 3.2 a decade later, according to OCSE data. This is well below the European average of five, although this was also restricted from 5.7 in 2007. The United States is 2.8.
A study published last month showed how this policy between 2004 and 2014 worked very well by reducing costs. It also has “unintended” consequences of increasing the “preventable death rate” by 3 percent.
Aside from the impoverishment of people and medical facilities, the Italian national system is now a system that addresses epidemics. What are all the private clinics doing that are saving us from the inefficiency of the public sector? A lot, at least until they were forced, because many reports came out of Italy.
Indeed, the Italian government must intervene through an emergency decree, “Cura Italia”, to allow local governments to order private clinics supported by the public sector so that some of their individuals, beds, and equipment are available for the public sector. Of course, this is not free: private utilities will be compensated for 100 percent of the “inconvenience” cost – at a much higher rate than taxpayers would pay if the same services were provided directly from the public sector. This is above other contributions they initially received from the state.
As the number of Covid-19 casualties rose to more than 17,000 in just a month and a half, Italy wondered how different the situation would be if the hospital was equipped with enough staff, beds and equipment. As the number of cases in America is escalating rapidly and health care workers face a shortage of supplies and personnel, Americans must be prepared to ask the same question.
If someone is to blame for this disaster besides the virus itself, ask the Italians. All of us said all this time: Austerity kills.
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