Africa: WHO recommends the use of vaginal rings for HIV
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the use of silicone vaginal rings containing an antiretroviral drug known as dapivirin as a new way to prevent HIV in women at high risk of being infected with the virus.
Added to WHO’s list of pre-certified drugs last November, this product is a discreet, long-acting HIV prevention product specially designed for women.
This is in line with the positive scientific opinion from the European Medicines Agency granted in July 2020.
WHO recommended it on Tuesday.
People who are not currently infected with HIV but who are at very high risk of getting the disease have a drug called pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) that includes two anti-HIV drugs daily to reduce their chances of getting HIV. I’m taking.
Taken every day
PrEP is only effective if taken daily as prescribed. However, studies have shown that pills are much less effective when consistency is interrupted.
In order to create better adherence and offer a variety of options that are acceptable, cautious and convenient to people, researchers can insert, inject, inject, or transplant into the human body from the beginning in a new long-term form. I am studying HIV prevention methods. Monthly to annually to provide lasting protection from virus acquisition.
According to WHO guidelines, the Dapivirin Vaginal Ring (DPV-VR) is offered as part of a combination preventive approach.
However, UN agencies have issued conditional recommendations that take into account the variability in the effectiveness of the ring in the younger age group and limited data on its use among pregnant and lactating women.
“The WHO Guideline Development Group has evaluated the benefits of DPV-VR outweigh the harms, based on a systematic review and meta-analysis of the scientific evidence presented,” said WHO.
This evidence included the cost-effectiveness, acceptability, proven feasibility of the ring, and the potential for increased fairness as an additional precautionary option.
Vulnerable woman
In some parts of the world, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, cultural, social and gender barriers prevent women from negotiating safer sex, making them more susceptible to HIV and at risk of unintended pregnancy. It’s getting higher. STI and HIV.
According to UNAids, nearly 870,000 new HIV infections occur worldwide each year between women and girls three times every four minutes.
In sub-Saharan Africa, three-quarters of new infectious diseases between the ages of 15 and 19 are girls.
It is estimated that about 970,000 girls and women live with HIV in Kenya.
The antiretroviral dapivirin in the ring is released slowly, reducing the risk of women becoming locally infected with HIV in the vagina and having little effect elsewhere on the body.
Ring is a cisgender woman in sub-Saharan Africa who faces an epidemic but has few options to protect herself from infection (people whose gender identity matches the gender assigned at birth). Is considered the way for.
Complementary approach
In addition to other safer sexual activity, the use of DPV-VR is intended as a complementary preventive approach, along with oral PrEP as an option for women who do not want or cannot take daily oral tablets. Can be provided to. ..
The ring is made of silicone and is flexible to bend and insert. It works by slowly releasing dapivirin into the vagina over 28 days and then replacing it with a new one.
Over the last decade, many studies in various settings have tested the safety, efficacy, and acceptability of rings.
These studies were first conducted in Belgium and the United States, then in Kenya, Malawi, South Africa and Tanzania.
The first study included women aged 18-45 years, and additional safety studies were conducted in the United States in postmenopausal women and adolescent girls aged 15-17 years.
Although contraceptive vaginal rings have been available for several years, DPV-VR is the first vaginal HIV prevention product.
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