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Do you need to wear two masks? A new infectious variant of COVID-19, some experts say “yes”.Nation / world

Do you need to wear two masks? A new infectious variant of COVID-19, some experts say “yes”.Nation / world


It may be time to double.

Three new, highly contagious mutations of the coronavirus originating in the United Kingdom, Brazil and South Africa are endemic in the United States. This raises stakes in the fight to stop the pandemic that has already killed more than 430,000 Americans.

Some public health professionals, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser at COVID-19, wear masks or choose a more protective N95 mask when going out in public. I recommended that.

The mask covers the mouth and nose and restricts the entry and exit of respiratory droplets and viral particles. Fauci, who is also the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, explained at NBC’s “Today” show.

“Therefore, if one layer is physically covered, another layer is layered. It generally makes sense that it is likely to be more effective. Therefore, people double masking. Or you’re running a version of N95, “he said.

Dr. Matthew Sims, an infectious disease specialist at Beaumont Health, said this is a strategy that people should consider, especially given the proportion of these newer and more contagious variants that appear to spread.

“The idea of ​​double masking … is that if the three layers of the surgical mask are appropriate, then three more layers will stick to the face and that’s better,” Sims said. “And that’s probably because it’s just more filtration.”

A study published in the journal Matters supports the theory that wearing a nylon layer over a surgical mask improves the suitability and effectiveness of filtering viral particles from 53% to 75% up to 90%. I will. ..

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 434 cases of British subspecies B.1.1.7 have been detected in 30 states. It is estimated to be about 50% more infectious than previous strains of the virus, and British scientists are working to determine that, but it could be even more deadly. Suggests.

The CDC warned earlier this month that it suggests that British variants could dominate the United States in March. This can increase not only the case rate, but also hospitalizations and deaths.

How British variants spread

Research is still underway to understand how British and other variants spread and what makes them so contagious.

“There are still many unknowns about the variants currently in circulation,” said Amanda Bariko, head of infection prevention and epidemiology in Michigan medicine, referring to British strains. “People who have it may release more virus. If you have more virus, you have more chances to infect someone. Perhaps it binds more easily to cells can.

“If something is 50% contagious, we usually describe the transmission of the disease … use what is called R0 (pronounced” R naught “) or fertility. This is basically the number of people infected from one case. “

A virus with a fertility rate of 1.2 means that if there are 10 infected people, it will continue to infect 12 new people.

“If you increase it by 50%, you get a fertility rate of 1.8,” Valyko said. “That means that 10 people will infect 18 people instead of 12, so applying it at the population level will greatly increase the chances that people will get the virus, get the virus, and get infected. . Hospitalized due to virus etc. “

Scientists are also tracking two other more contagious coronavirus variants that have emerged in the United States. One is called the B.1351 variant, which occurs in South Africa and has several mutations similar to the British strain. Detected in South Carolina and Maryland, preliminary studies suggest that current COVID-19 vaccines and treatments may not be as effective.

“We are now more concerned about South African strains, as in vitro studies have shown that the ability of monoclonal antibodies that have been used in treatment does not function in much the same way as treatment.” Forch said.

“We believe the vaccine is well cushioned and effective against both UK and South African strains, but we don’t want to downplay it as they continue to evolve.”

CDC Director Rochelle Warrensky said the two cases of South Carolina variants in South Carolina were among those who did not contact each other and did not travel abroad. This means that there may be community spreads that weren’t detected until last week.

“We were always worried that it was here, but it hadn’t been detected yet. There is now evidence that these two cases are actually here in South Carolina,” Walensky said. Stated. “At this point, it is estimated that the strain had spread to the community.

“When a virus mutates to give rise to a strain or dominant strain, it usually mutates to give some benefit to the virus, which can cause the vaccine to go sick.”

COVID-19 vaccine maker Moderna said it is testing the possibility of offering a third booster shot to further protect people from South African virus strains.

A third highly infectious subspecies, called P.1, that occurred in Brazil has also been identified in people in Minneapolis / Cent. Paul District, Minnesota. The person recently reported a trip to Brazil and is in quarantine. It is not yet known if the P.1 mutant causes more serious illness, but some studies suggest that this strain of virus may lead to cases of reinfection.

According to The Sims, masks are just one of the tools that the general public can use to protect themselves, and early pandemic studies showed that masks helped slow the spread of the coronavirus among healthcare professionals. It was shown to be the target.

The State Department of Health requires Michigan to wear a mask whenever he is within 6 feet of a non-family member. From February 2, the CDC also issued a public health order requiring masks on planes, buses, trains, and other public transportation systems, including airports, trains, and bus stations.

But even before these highly contagious variants began to circulate in the United States, he said masks were never expected to reduce infection rates to zero. However, they slow the spread and studies suggest that mask wearers who will still be infected with the virus are more likely to be asymptomatic carriers.

According to Sims, N95 was shown to be the most protective, followed by surgical masks and multi-layer cloth masks. The worst result was not wearing a mask at all.

“If you wear a better mask, you’ll have far fewer infections and more asymptomatic infections,” Sims said of his study. “Therefore, if someone was wearing the N95, they might have gotten it, but they probably got only a few viruses and were less likely to develop symptoms because of the low viral load. ..

“Gaiters, bandanas, stuff like that probably do nothing at all, but better than nothing.”

In certain situations, wearing multiple masks can provide additional protection, according to Bariko.

“If you don’t have a suitable mask, or if you have a very thin single-layer mask, it can help enhance filtration and improve coverage or seal around the nose and mouth,” she said. It was.

“If you choose to double the mask, you need to make sure it doesn’t have too many layers to interfere with your breathing. It really helps to strengthen the seal around the face and hold the mask. You need to make sure that it is in place. “

And if the urge to adjust the mask is too irresistible, Valyko warned that double masking may not be suitable for you.

“One of the pitfalls I often see is probably unknowingly adjusting the mask further,” she said when she doubled. “They put their hands on their faces more. One of the most important parts of wearing a mask is to avoid touching it once it’s on. If you need to make frequent adjustments, It may not be appropriate.

“If you need to make adjustments, be sure to do it with clean hands. It is very important that you do not cause mutual contamination and are not endangered. Doubling the mask layer denies the need. It’s not something you do. Keep a distance and wash your hands. “

Still, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not recommend doubling masks, and state health officials say people should ideally consider one of these options. ..

3-layer washable cloth mask Medical grade disposable mask such as surgical mask Approved N95 or KN95 mask

However, having one of these recommended masks will do nothing if you don’t wear it properly.

“Whenever you’re around someone outside your family, you need to wear a mask on your mouth and nose,” said Dr. Johnny Cardun, chief health officer at the state. “It has no effect if the mask is only on the mouth or around the chin.

“Wearing a mask is one of the most important things you can do to slow the spread of COVID-19, including new variants,” she said. “I want to wear at least a multi-layer cloth mask. A single-layer mask has a low protective effect. You can also wear a KN95 mask or a multi-layer disposable mask.

“You can wear a face shield over the mask for added protection, but you’ll need to wear both because the face shield alone is less protective without a mask on your mouth and nose.”

According to The Sims, it can take a considerable amount of time before the mask restrictions are lifted. He said wearing a mask is still important, even among the approximately 175,000 Missiganders who have already received a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

“I’m not sure if they can infect others with the virus, but it’s certainly possible,” said Sims. There are studies investigating it.

“The use of very good vaccines is not perfect, so at most 1 in 20 people could not be fully vaccinated, which was 5%. The overall goal of this was to population the country. Immunization. Many people are needed to get vaccinated, but we are not yet close to it.

“I was vaccinated … and every time I left this house, I still wore a mask …. before we could walk, we were of the population Most need to be vaccinated. Around without a mask. “

(C) 2021 Detroit Free Press

Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


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