CDC advisor recommends Johnson & Johnson single dose vaccine
The clearance of the third vaccine is Important inflection points Pandemic: After a steady decline in new cases in the United States for several weeks, the downtrend stagnated — “a very worrying shift in orbit,” CDC director Rochelle Warrensky said on Friday.Experts are worried that state and local officials will relax regulations too soon, and people are less alert as more contagious and perhaps even more deadly viruses. Variants are increasing.. It was almost a year ago that the authorities announced what was being considered. First coronavirus death in United States.Since then, the toll has been 500,000 dead A disease caused by the coronavirus from covid-19.
Bethbel, a global health expert at the University of Washington, who heads the Panel’s Coronavirus Vaccine Working Group, said: “But the pandemic is not over yet and there are many challenges ahead of us. The need for safer and more effective vaccines remains urgent and essential to end the pandemic.”
Actions by the Immunization Advisory Board follow Saturday’s Food and Drug Administration action to approve vaccines for emergency use for people over the age of 18. The FDA’s actions allow the use of the vaccine, and the CDC recommends healthcare providers to use the vaccine. In adopting the Panel’s recommendations on Sunday afternoon, Valensky called it “another milestone towards the end of the pandemic.”
The dose will begin shipping as early as Monday to sites that have already received doses of two other approved vaccines manufactured by Pfizer (BioNTech and Moderna). These locations include state health departments, pharmacies, federal-qualified health centers, and community vaccination centers.
Johnson & Johnson’s initial supply is limited — 3.9 million doses It will ship this week, with an estimated 20 million doses scheduled by the end of March, officials said.State officials already know what to expect Expected doses for all three vaccines were included in the information received last week.
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was 85% effective in protecting against severe illness in late-stage trials. There were no deaths or hospitalizations one month after the participants were vaccinated.Vaccine Slightly less effective in preventing moderate illness (72% in the United States), more contagious mutations have only recently begun to be detected.
Some experts have shot Johnson & Johnson in favor of other vaccines that were tested when the public stuck to that data point and such mutations were not a factor in the early stages of the pandemic. I’m worried about giving up. Panel members emphasized that doing so would leave people vulnerable and delay the end of the pandemic.
Authorities emphasized that the three licensed vaccines were not directly compared. They were tested at different times with different levels of infection settings for different circular mutations.
“There are differences in the effectiveness of the three vaccines for moderate illness, but the more severe the results, the more similar the efficacy,” he said. Yale Global Health Institute, People who are not members of the panel. “In other words, there are currently three highly effective vaccines available in the United States, especially for serious consequences such as hospitalization and death. This single dose vaccine, which can be stored at refrigerator temperature, is a health vaccine. It may increase the capacity of departments and health systems to carry out high-dose vaccination. “
During the four-hour meeting, the panel was on the vaccine Impact on safety, benefits, feasibility and fairness..Members and vaccination advocates expressed concern about the lower efficacy of the vaccine among several groups. It can confuse the public and make it even more difficult to persuade people to accept shots in pandemic and disproportionately affected rural areas and color communities.
“I get Janssen [Johnson & Johnson] Karen Ernst, Head of Voices for Vaccines, a parent advocacy group, said during the public comment period: However, she has been reported to be “less effective,” so she “is at risk of being perceived as a poor vaccine if she gets on the bus and” drives to a location where access to other vaccines was problematic. ” He added that he was concerned. Saved for the poor, or the color community, or the local population.
Ernst called for “some real plain language and clear public education” about the “real-world effectiveness” of the vaccine.
FDA review Released on Wednesday Vaccines in the prevention of moderate illness in a subgroup of adults aged 60 and over with medical risk factors raised concerns at a Sunday meeting by Sandra Freihofer, a clinician representing the American Medical Association The effective rate was found to be lower (42%).
However, FDA regulators have pointed out that Sunday’s corporate representatives also emphasized that the statistical significance of the discovery is uncertain. No deaths or cases requiring medical intervention have been reported one month after these elderly people were fired. Overall, seven people died in the trial. All were among those who received placebo rather than the vaccine.
Demand for vaccination is still well above supply, but I heard from a university president who encouraged 53 million young Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 to use single-shot vaccines. The panel makes up some of the largest spreaders, President Jonathan Brand of Cornell College, Iowa, said the virus broke out due to crowded living quarters such as living halls and apartments, and many retail. He works in the leisure and hospitality industry and states that he is at high risk of exposure.
He said many of those young people would move in May and June and would not be able to easily return to the same location or state for a second shot.
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine “could dramatically launch a second front against covid,” Brand said, and universities play a leading role in supporting such efforts. He added that he could. “There is a gym, arena, field house and parking lot.”
Matthew Daily, a panel member and clinician at Kaiser Permanente’s Institute of Health, celebrates how the third licensed vaccine will increase the supply of products that many want to get. I did.
“I think the most common greeting right now is’Have you been vaccinated?’People are very worried about where they are on the priority list,” Daily said. If all three vaccine supplies are used, he said, “then everyone moves up essentially on any priority list they are in.”
Isaac Stanley-Becker contributed to this report.
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