So you don’t want to get the coronavirus vaccine Here’s what you need to know about Eve Woman
Imagine for a while that your government was led by a series of liars, immoral politicians, and that he got a job after spending years calling your name. give me.
If you’re white, the first two are true anyway, but you may have to think hard about what it means to be poor to understand the third one.
If you’re black, you don’t have to imagine it at all.
The poorest and darkest of us are the coronaviruses that kill many people for exactly the same reasons they are unlikely to be vaccinated.
But that’s not because, as already suggested, front-line NHS and care home staff don’t care. Not because minorities are stupid. It’s so stupid because of a conspiracy theorist who doesn’t really care.
So take the stupid things you were told one at a time and treat you like an adult.
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1. Vaccines change your DNA
Your DNA is a bit like a recipe book and contains all the instructions on how to make you. Your cells work when proteins “read” these instructions like a chef. Proteins travel along the strands of DNA and make copies of them. This is like shouting instructions in the kitchen.
This copy, called messenger RNA, moves to another bit of the cell and is created exactly as it was told, like a junior chef. The mRNA is then broken down into the bloodstream and washed away with everything else that is not needed. The original recipe and the book it contains haven’t changed at all.
All vaccines use mRNA to teach the body how to recognize when a coronavirus is detected. They send a new recipe that tells your immune system what the bug looks like on the outside so that if it gets into your body, they can find it and get rid of it.
It doesn’t change any of the recipes that make you. It only teaches a small part of your body, the immune system, how to keep you safe, and when the message is delivered, the mRNA is broken down, leaving only instructions to save its life.
2. Vaccine contains microchip or nanobot
The microchip is made of metal and contains transistors, resistors, and capacitors to power small electrical circuits. It is about the size of a grain of rice. It doesn’t fit in a syringe and is easy to find.
Even if “they” put it in you, it probably won’t give you James Bond-style medical information and GPS positioning. Millions of pets are equipped with microchips and simply tell the vet the owner’s name and address. The government already knows your address.
Nanobots have not yet been invented. If so, why would the government spend billions of dollars building small robots to control your thinking process when Facebook already exists?
3. Vaccine contains pork or beef
4. The vaccine contains a miscarriage foetation
No, again. Part of the manufacturing process for AstraZeneca jab used cells from legal abortions, but they are not included in the final vaccine.
5. The vaccine was too fast and unsafe
The new vaccine should undergo extensive human trials prior to approval to check for side effects and see how it works in people of different ages, races and genders. All of these checks were done on the Covid vaccine.
It went faster than usual for three reasons. First, the world’s wealthiest governments, pharmaceutical companies, and research institutes threw kitchen sinks. Covid became a pandemic and affected the northern part of the world, but Ebola, for example, remained in Africa.
Second, those who receive the test vaccine must be exposed to the disease. With Ebola, it takes years for 20,000 people to come into contact. However, due to the worldwide spread of the coronavirus, a huge number of Brazil, Europe and Asia could be exposed within a few weeks and the vaccine was tested.
Finally, vaccines had such a large and desperate market that vaccine makers knew they would sell something. Therefore, they had the financial certainty to start production while waiting for evidence. That is, the jabs were ready as soon as science supported them.
This vaccine was not “too fast”. Other vaccines are usually just horribly slow. Hopefully, this new delivery method will mean that vaccines will be faster in the future.
6. Vaccines affect your fertility
No. The reason is that mRNA cannot reprogram your DNA. Whether or not they are lung or ovarian cells, they cannot stop performing their normal functions. It only helps the body with household chores.
7. Vaccines become useless due to new variants
There are concerns that new strains of the virus mean that the vaccine is not very effective against them. But it protects against the strains we have now. This means that vaccinations reduce the chances of getting sick, going to the hospital, or dying. So even if you might need a booster shot in the future, it’s worth using it.
If new tensions arise and turn out to be a threat, it is either the border is not effectively controlled by a man literally elected after promising to do just that, or he has been very much over the past year. Because it was stupid. The virus had plenty of room to mutate.
8. Vaccines are killing people, and they aren’t telling you
It is an indisputable fact that 100% of deaths occur after a victim has lived for a short time. The government refuses to conduct research on the toxicity of oxygen, but all breaths contain oxygen, all water molecules contain oxygen, and all Covid patients in the hospital use oxygen. We know that. By chance, a lot?
So stop breathing, drink water, go to the hospital and stop living. When all of us die, the mortality rate from all causes is zero.
Data on side effects and mortality are published and available. It shows that most reactions are mild. For example, hot spots and temporary blurred vision. Death after vaccination is not necessarily due to vaccination.
You are more likely to die of the coronavirus than a vaccine. Therefore, get the vaccine.
9. Vaccines are a form of euthanasia
This is new, but there are some communities that have a solid impression that the vaccine has been adjusted to kill you a year later.
First, it is a hell of scientific development that no one on earth is aware of. And secondly, if they let you catch the illness, they can now kill you all, and it will be cheaper too.
In fact, this government is already ending your life early. The poorest 10% in the UK die 10 years earlier than the richest 10%. Smoking, drinking, lack of exercise, obesity, diabetes, poor housing, low wages, poor education will all bring you to an end sooner, and all will require government investment to reverse. Every day they don’t save cash and kill you.
Obtaining a vaccine can stop some of this informal euthanasia.
10. It’s all a YUGE conspiracy
You have to give it to Bill Gates. He managed to get Russians and Americans to work with Armenians and New Zealanders, have Newcastle’s grandma put an invisible microchip in her arm, and find out what she was watching on TV. He persuaded him to do it, and he armed it all only by charities trying to prevent the world’s poorest people from dying.
Meanwhile, that lovely Mark Zuckerberg collects Facebook data to find what he saw in Terry last night, and while selling it, to the same grandma every day in absolute b **** cks. Innocently allow food to be given. To those who use it to steal her money and votes, using brainwashing techniques based on preferring Coronation Street over EastEnders.
There is no conspiracy. There are a lot of people doing everything about the average person, and the least trusted people try to tell the least trusted people what to do, but that never works.
But thinking always works. Try it instead.
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