Wealthy white Floridians outnumber 85% of blacks and locals vaccinated in Hispanic neighborhoods
Coronavirus Instead, vaccines for Hispanic and black rural areas in Palm Beach County have been assigned to wealthy white Floridians.
According to the latest data from the US Census Bureau, Latin Americans make up 23.4% of the county’s total population and African Americans make up 19.8%.
However, as of Wednesday, only 5% of all vaccines went to Hispanics and 4% went to black residents. Florida The Ministry of Health shows.
In addition, Caucasian-only residents make up only 53.5% of Palm Beach County, but receive 67.8% of COVID-19 shots.
It’s even worse in the town of Pahawky, at the western end of the county, down the freeway from Mar-a-Lago, home of former President Donald Trump. STAT news Report.
Grassroots organizers are working to set up vaccination events for ethnic minority locals, but most people who attend the site come from neighboring towns to get the chance to receive life-saving jabs. I am a white resident who goes by car.
This is due to the first time the United States has achieved a 7-day moving average of 2 million COVID-19 vaccinations per day.
In Palm Beach County, Latin Americans make up 23.4% of all residents and blacks make up 19.8%, but only 5% and 4% of the total coronavirus vaccine, respectively.White residents, on the other hand, make up 53.5% of Palm Beach County, but receive 67.8% of the vaccine.
The inequality is even worse in the town of Pahawky, on the western edge of the county, down the freeway from Mar-a-Lago, the hometown of former President Donald Trump.Photo: Elderly people who received the COVID-19 vaccine from a healthcare professional after arriving by bus at the vaccination site at Ankwan Boldin Stadium in Pahokee, Florida, on February 3.
This is because the United States recorded 2 million daily vaccinations on Thursday for the first time on a 7-day moving average (above).
According to STAT News, a mass vaccination event was held at Pahawky High School’s soccer stadium in mid-February.
Many who arrived to get vaccinated came from Florida, but not locally. Rather, they came from areas like Miami and West Palm Beach.
Pahawky is a predominantly ethnic minority town, with 60% of the people living there being black and a quarter being Hispanic.
However, the majority of people who appeared to get the vaccine were white.
This pattern is also being deployed nationwide.
Blacks make up 13% of the population and Latino Americans make up 18%, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
However, only 6.8 percent of Latin Americans and 8.5 percent of African Americans receive at least one COVID-19 vaccine.
STAT News reported that the vaccine was first launched in Florida, and Governor Ron DeSantis said vaccine reservations would be processed by the supermarket chain Publix.
This was surprising to many Pahawky residents, given that the nearest Publix is ​​40 km away from the town.
After receiving a lot of criticism, the state’s emergency management department provided vaccines for local distribution so that the town could create several local events.
However, the state did not allow the town to set up an online appointment system and was on a first-come, first-served basis.
According to STAT News, rumors of a mass vaccination event spread by word of mouth because there was no online system or method to prioritize local residents.
73-year-old John Brown, who lives in Stuart, 44 miles away, said he learned of it from state legislature Gale Harrell.
He told STAT News that he called her office to ask about the vaccine in early 2021 and received a call from his secretary about the pop-up site the day before the Pahawky event.
White Brown admitted that he was shocked by the number of white recipients vaccinated.
“I want to meet 98 percent of black and brown people here. They should be in the first row,” he told STAT News.
The Florida Department of Health did not reassess the number of vaccines given at the Pahokee event or provide a demographic breakdown.
‘[W]If a vaccination site is first set up in a poorly serviced community, the state will make every effort to give priority access to the site and vaccines to individuals living in the area, “a spokeswoman told STAT News. Told.
“Therefore, the site wasn’t widely promoted throughout the state before it opened.”
Of course, Florida is not the only place where there is a clear contrast between races and ethnic groups.
When the rollout first began, Gov Ron DeSantis said the Publix supermarket would handle the distribution, even though the nearest store was 25 miles away.Photo: Santis speaks at a press conference at Pahawky’s COVID-19 vaccination site on February 3
Although Pahawky is 60% black and 25% Hispanic, most vaccine events set up in town are given to white Floridians who drive from nearby neighborhoods. Photo: Elderly people line up outside the King’s Point Clubhouse in Delray Beach, Florida, in December 2020 to book a Moderna COVID-19 vaccination.
Blacks and Hispanics receive only 20% of the dose given, even though they make up 45% of California’s population, according to data from the California State Department of Health.
Specifically, Latin Americans make up 39% of California’s population, but only 17% of those who have been vaccinated at least once.
African Americans make up 6% of the population and are given only 2.9% of all vaccines.
Latin Americans have also been hit by COVID-19, accounting for more than half of all California cases and 46% of all deaths. African Americans account for 4% of state cases and 6% of deaths.
There was also a shocking disparity in COVID-19 vaccination coverage between New York City neighborhoods.
Latino Americans make up 39% of California’s population, but only 17% of vaccinated people, according to state data.African Americans make up 6% of the state’s population, but only 2.9% of the vaccine
New immunization data by New York City zip code is 25% high in wealthy white areas (left, dark blue), but as low as 2% in a few poor areas (left, light blue). Shows the rate. Inadequately vaccinated areas are the same as the zip codes that suffered the most pandemics, with mortality rates of 343 per 100,000.
last month, The city’s Department of Health and Mental Health has announced zip code immunization rates for coronavirus.
In wealthy and white areas such as the Upper East Side, Douglaston and City Island, 25% of adults are vaccinated with both the COVID-19 vaccine.
Many of these areas report relatively low coronavirus mortality rates, around 163 per 100,000, according to city data.
However, immunization rates are lagging in low-income and minority areas, which are the hardest hit in terms of cases and deaths.
Areas such as South Bronx, parts of central Queens, and central Brooklyn have the lowest rates in New York City, with only 2 percent of all adults fully infected with the virus.
The COVID-19 mortality rate for these zip codes is much higher, with 343 out of 100,000 people dying from the disease.
Currently, more than 52.8 million people (15.9% of the population) have been vaccinated at least once, and 26.9 million (8.1% of the population) have been fully vaccinated.
Vaccination deployments seem to have finally accelerated throughout the United States.
Currently, more than 52.8 million people (15.9 percent of the population) have been vaccinated at least once, and 26.9 million (8.1 percent of the population) have been fully vaccinated.
On Thursday, the United States reached a 7-day moving average of 2 million vaccinations per day for the first Tyne.
President Joe Biden said the United States plans to vaccinate all adults with sufficient coronavirus vaccine by the end of May, two months earlier than expected.
Biden said he didn’t know when life would return tomorrow, but said he hoped to be sometime before “this time next year.”
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