Read this if you are always on your phone before you go to bed
The vast majority of people use their smartphones until it’s time to go to bed. Many people use their smartphones even in bed. According to a 2019 survey Common sense media, 61% of parents call within 30 minutes before bedtime, and about 70% of children check the phone within that time.
And while many people call until they go to bed, most say they can still sleep. Rafael Perayo, Stanford Healthcare Sleep Specialist. He added that the type of content consumed before bed affects rest on good and bad nights, rather than the act of actually making a phone call before going to bed at night.
He added that checking for something you know to cause stress can be a restless night. Alternatively, you can use your smartphone as a healing tool or as a way to end your day to help you sleep.
Below, sleep professionals share what they should and shouldn’t do with their mobile phones to help them sleep at night.
Intentionally check notifications
Pelayo suggested using a mobile phone as a summary tool for the end of the day before bedtime. Check out tomorrow’s weather, ask your friends, and choose the workout you want to do in the morning.
Whatever you do, don’t check for news updates, emails, or other notifications that you know are stressful. Be aware of the warnings that are getting your attention and whether they promote a peaceful night’s sleep.
Use apps and settings that change the color of your smartphone screen to a warm color before going to bed
“The most worrisome thing about the screen is when it’s at its highest brightness. [they] It emits colors that are close to the natural light in our environment. ” Rebecca Robins, Harvard Medical School Medical Instructor and Associate Scientist in the Department of Sleep and Circadian Rhythm Disorders at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Specifically, she added that the blue light emitted by the telephone screen can have the same physiological warning effect that the sun gives to the body and brain.
Many phones have a setting that automatically shifts the hue of the screen. On the iPhone, this feature is called Night Shift, and on Samsung phones, the same is done with a setting called Blue Light Filter. On other Android smartphones, this setting is called a nightlight. If your phone doesn’t provide this setting, there is a free downloadable app that adjusts the hue of your phone as you approach bedtime.
According to Robins, changing the pre-programmed blue setting on your phone to a warmer shade can make you feel sleepy and relaxed. She suggested switching settings around the time the sun goes down or an hour or two before bedtime.
Beware of inadvertent social media scrolling
according to Pew Research Center, About 7 out of 10 Americans use social media. Checking Twitter and Instagram before bedtime isn’t a bad thing in nature, but Robins emphasized that using social media just before bedtime can be a restless night.
“One of the hardest things about social media is losing control,” she said. This means you can select your friends of a friend on Facebook, but see what your friends post, update targeted ads and news in your feed, or whether someone has posted something that offends you. You can’t control it.
Robins said that not everything you see on social media can be selected, so sleep-friendly content isn’t always displayed. If you want to watch social media before bedtime, check out a specific account that you know will calm down (Like some of these mental health Instagram accounts). Otherwise, save the app early in the day, if possible.
Try the meditation app
Perayo emphasized that using a cell phone in bed is not a shameful reason. Many people use the meditation app as a way to fall asleep. He said that in this case, the phone is more than a phone and is a useful tool for sleeping.
Downloadable meditation app like Headspace, Shining And calm down It teaches beginners how to meditate and the importance of practice, and provides guided meditation to users of all levels.
Listen on your mobile phone before going to bed
“Story is one of the forms of information we received when we were very young,” says Robins. “So we are programmed to talk about bedtime.”
You can download the storytelling program on your smartphone to make your sleep easier. Apps like audible And Libby Users can download and listen to a variety of audiobooks, including bestsellers, children’s books, non-fiction works, and short stories.
Set an alarm at bedtime
Set the alarm clock at bedtime to take advantage of the alarm clock function of your mobile phone. Recommended by Robins. That way, if you’re falling into a rabbit hole on social media when you need to get your bed ready, you can be notified with an evening alarm to stop scrolling.
“Setting a comfortable alarm at bedtime can give you a little more awareness when you start turning off,” she says, turning off meditation, breathing, or a warm shower.
“We are very enthusiastic [alarms for] When we wake up. We aren’t very aware of bedtime, “she said.
Overall, be sure to use your phone as a tool to enhance your sense of tranquility
When it comes to using a smartphone before bedtime, Pelayo emphasized that the ultimate goal after checking a smartphone is to reach a calm sensation. Great if sleep uses it for meditation before it reaches its goal. It would be great if seeing TikTok helps you get there.
“If you’re worried about getting up late for work or missing an early morning flight, the phone can be a great tool,” he said. In such cases, your phone can act as an alarm clock and help you fall asleep knowing that you will be awakened at the required time in the morning.
If you’re using your smartphone as a tool to be safe, ready, or have a good night’s sleep, it’s okay to use your smartphone before bedtime. If you use your cell phone as a way to block the hassle, you won’t find a restful night’s sleep.
Perayo emphasized that anyone using a cell phone before bedtime, and even before bedtime, should not be ashamed. When used in the right way, it can be a useful tool for many to fall asleep.
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