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National Nap Day: 5 Reasons to Take a Nap Without “Corona Somnia” |

National Nap Day: 5 Reasons to Take a Nap Without “Corona Somnia” |


If you call it a day and want to take a nap, you won’t feel sick. Monday, March 15th is a national nap day.

Finding time for rejuvenation and recovery in your daily responsibilities can be difficult, but naps have the benefits that can help you improve your overall health and productivity. -time.

it is you”Corona somnia, “There is a term that you cannot fall asleep or get a good night’s sleep during a coronavirus pandemic. Occasionally taking a nap is healthy, but beyond 45 minutes it disrupts the circadian rhythm and makes it difficult to fall asleep late that night.

If you haven’t experienced corona somnia, here are five reasons why you should catch some zzz.

We lost just an hour of sleep

If lurking in front of the Sunday daylight saving time clock has made you significantly tired, you’re not alone. This change in time was actually the inspiration for the National Nap Day, which takes place every year the day after the clock advances.

1999, The late William Anthony, A psychologist, a professor at Boston University, and his wife, Camille, Start national nap day.. Their intention was to overcome American cultural prejudice against naps and raise awareness of the health benefits of catching up with quality sleep.

In a 2006 BU Today article, Anthony said, “Everyone is an hour more sleep deprived than usual, so I thought it would be a good day to celebrate the importance of taking a nap.” “In fact, the vast majority of Americans are sleep deprived even without daylight savings time.”

Thanks to their efforts, some workplaces observed the day during a nap break. Thank you, William Anthony.

It can charge your brain battery

A Learn at NASA For drowsy military pilots and astronauts, a 40-minute nap was found to improve performance by 34% and arousal by 100%. Sleep Foundation, Sleep research and resource sites.

Taking a nap can be more cautious during the period immediately after waking up, and perhaps for hours of the day. A short snooze may also make you feel more relaxed.

Lower risk of heart disease

If you take a nap once or twice a week Reduce the risk of heart attack Or stroke, according to 2019 study published in Journal Heart..

After tracking more than 3,400 people between the ages of 35 and 75 for over five years, researchers found that 48% fewer people took occasional naps (once or twice a week, 5 minutes to an hour). .. People experience heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure more than people who never take a nap.

It may help you take shape

A 2020 study focusing on women found More sleep deprivation Women were more likely to add sugar, fatty foods, and caffeine.

Lack of quality sleep can lead to binge eating, as inadequate sleep is thought to stimulate hunger and suppress the hormonal signals that convey a feeling of fullness. The findings were important because women are at increased risk of obesity and sleep disorders. Both of these can be caused by heavy food intake.

Nap has been shown to improve the overall quality of sleep at night.

And enhance your creativity

The right side of your brain may experience a spiritual spark during a nap, Research suggests.. The right side is the hemisphere most relevant to creative tasks such as visualization and thinking, and the left side is more analytical.

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Researchers monitoring 15 brain activities have found that the right side of their brain is busy communicating with itself and its counterparts to the left. On the other hand, the left side of the brain remained relatively January 2020 study Of the 2,214 Chinese adults over the age of 60, those who took an afternoon nap for 5 minutes to 2 hours showed better mental agility than those who did not take a nap.

A nap does not guarantee success in every aspect of your life, but it can improve your health and restart your brain. Lie down.

CNN’s Sandee La Motte and Megan Marples contributed to this report.


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