Phase 2 rollback imminent if King County indicators do not improve immediately
King County, WA — If coronavirus metrics do not improve in the next 10 days, King County is on the verge of saying goodbye to Phase 3.
The next assessment of all 39 counties is scheduled for May 3, and King County will return to Phase 2 if the state threshold for case count and hospitalization is exceeded. As of Friday, the county has already exceeded the two-week case rate and is on the verge of exceeding the weekly hospitalization threshold.
Returning to Phase 2, indoor capacity will be halved from 50% to 25%, which could impact the return of spectators at recent major sporting events.
Dr. Jeff Duchin, a health officer in King County, discussed the county’s outlook at a coronavirus briefing every Friday and warned that “storm clouds will increase on the horizon.”
“King County entered Phase 3 with other parts of Washington on March 22, when cases and hospitalizations were already on the rise,” Duchin said. “Since then, the average number of cases over 7 days has increased by 70% and hospitalization rates have increased by 75%.”
According to Duchin, the fuel supplied to the fourth wave is multifaceted, with the majority of cases now containing more infectious mutants, increasing social activity, and three minutes of adults in King County. 2 still need the entire course of vaccination.
“Everyone knew that going into Phase 3 and relaxing restrictions while at the same time countering the effects of more contagious variants would require much more intense effort. This surge continues to grow despite current precautions. Thankfully, vaccination has protected most of our most vulnerable older people, but variants are widespread. Young adults vaccinated to counter the increased ease are not yet sufficient. “
Here’s a snapshot of King County’s metrics last week:
- An average of 344 new cases were reported daily (+ 11%)
- Approximately 120 new hospitalizations (+ 25%)
- The incidence is highest at ages 18-24, followed by ages 35-49 and 5-17.
- New hospitalizations are highest for people between the ages of 40 and 69, followed by those between the ages of 20 and 39.
Hospitalizations have increased steadily since early March and are now about half of the peak reached during the third surge in autumn and winter. Mortality remains low, averaging 1-2 people per day, and authorities believe that the oldest and most vulnerable adults have the highest vaccination rates. However, Duchin warns that people of all ages can be seriously affected by the virus, even if they don’t have to go to the hospital.
“A new study published this week in Nature found that patients with COVID-19 were at increased risk of long-term medical problems, even though they were not hospitalized for illness at the time. “Duchin said. “This includes symptoms that affect almost every organ system in the body, from the respiratory effects of the virus to lung problems, from the nervous system to the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems. Anxiety, sleep disorders, etc. It also increases the risk of mental health problems.
Relation: Coronavirus surpasses immunity in Washington, DOH caution
King County has made welcoming progress in its vaccination efforts, reaching 57% of adults on first dose and now fully vaccinated, but by the time immunity reaches the rest of the population. It will take a few more weeks. Duchin said the fastest way to curb proliferation is to take immediate action in everyday life.
“Unfortunately, we need to exercise our suppression and stop the virus immediately by that route,” Duchin said. “Vaccination takes time. It also takes time to boost immunity after vaccination. After vaccination with J & J or a double vaccination series, it takes about to be highly protected. It takes more than a month. It’s not something. Avoid close contact with others, avoid crowded indoor spaces, reduce gathering areas, as you limit interaction with others. Unvaccinated people can quickly stop spreading by ensuring ventilation of the place and always wearing a mask elsewhere. “
The latest vaccine statistics for King County are:
- 57% of adults have at least one dose.
- 36% are fully vaccinated
- 90% of adults over the age of 65 are vaccinated once and 78% are fully vaccinated.
The county currently estimates that approximately 800,000 residents who still need the first dose of the vaccine are eligible. The outlook for federal supply is relatively stable, but it has increased somewhat, with approximately 115,000 initial doses to King County this week. Individually assigned to local pharmacies through federal programs.
The county also announced this week Thousands of new appointments Available in Southern King County, schedule started Schedule at home For residents who cannot leave the house.On Friday, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan announced that an increase in federal supply would allow the city to control. 50,000 or more doses Next week at four community sites open to all residents and workers in King County.
Despite the good news at the forefront of vaccination, swift action is needed across the community to avoid more preventable illnesses and stop rollbacks in May.
Duchin concludes Friday’s briefing with denial of charges, calling for intensive efforts in the next few weeks.
“Every week, the outbreak is gaining momentum, so the risk is high and more effort is needed to control it. Vaccines prevent the outbreak of COVID-19 from starting from the beginning. The best tool you need. Vaccinated people will better protect our entire community. Everyone who has been vaccinated is another case, preventing hospitalization or death. It also prevents COVID-19 infection and other cases, hospitalizations and deaths. The most effective way to quickly turn it around is to change our behavior and make more people healthy. It’s about giving you the opportunity to stay, stay away from the hospital and avoid the potential long-term health effects of COVID-19 …. Reduce the damage caused by this fourth wave and keep more people healthy. And we can make available highly effective vaccines that will become more and more available in the coming weeks. “
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