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Studies show that mites carrying Lyme disease were found near beaches in the same proportions as in forest areas.

Studies show that mites carrying Lyme disease were found near beaches in the same proportions as in forest areas.


A study analyzing the prevalence of Lyme disease-transmitting mites in Northern California found that it was more commonly associated with lush habitats and that insects were similarly abundant in coastal areas. It was.

“Beach and lizard habitats are no longer considered shelters for mites.” Said Linda Jumper, Executive Director of the Bay Area Lime Foundation, who funded the study. “Based on this new data, we are now encouraging residents to take precautions in the beach area and health care providers to learn the symptoms of tick-borne infections other than Lyme disease. . “

the study, Published on friday The Journal of Applied and Environmental Microbiology states that black-footed mites carrying the Lyme disease-causing bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, were found in the beach area at the same rate as forest habitats.

Researchers said the insects weren’t necessarily found on the beach, but in brushes and grassy areas next to sand along the coastal areas of northwestern California. Researchers found in this study that 2.9% of adults have Borrelia burgdorferi.

The Colorado State University, Northern Arizona State University, and Translational Genomics Institute team focused primarily on recreational areas and hiking trails in the Marin, Mendocino, Monterey, Napa, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and Sonoma counties. It was.


File-A tick sits on the tip of a grass leaf in a file image taken on September 7, 2020. (Photo courtesy of Patrick Pleul / Image Alliance via Getty Images)

Researchers who tested mites on up to five tick-borne bacteria found that outbreaks of all bacterial species were as high as 31% in at least one region. Previous studies have only tested a single species of bacteria in a particular area.

“The high rate of tick-borne mites in the coastal chaparral was a real surprise to us, and when we look at all the tick-borne pathogens at the same time, it makes you rethink the risk of local disease,” said the lead study. The author, Dr. Daniel Sarkeld, said. D., from Colorado State University.

Known as the host of major mites in northwestern California, the Eastern Gray Squirrel does not live in coastal areas. The host is speculated to be rabbits, bats, and white-footed mice, but the authors of the study have better understood which animals could bring infected mites to the beach area. He said more research is needed.

“The use of tick-borne disease in California is often biased in understanding, and studies have shown that it tends to focus on specific habitats, such as Lyme disease in oak forests. Other habitats. May harbor an astonishing variety of tick-borne pathogens, but have been ignored, such as coastal chaparrals, “the study’s authors write.

Lyme disease Most common It is a vector disease in the United States that infects humans by being bitten by infected black-footed mites. Diagnosis is usually based on symptoms, physical findings such as a rash, and possible exposure to infected mites.

America Centers for Disease Control and Prevention It is estimated that approximately 476,000 Americans get Lyme disease each year.

Early signs and symptoms of Lyme disease include fever, chills, headaches, malaise, muscle and joint pain, and swollen lymph nodes in the absence of a rash, the CDC said on its website. Authorities add that people treated with antibiotics in the early stages of Lyme disease usually recover quickly and completely.

Relation: Some symptoms of Lyme disease are similar to COVID-19, health officials say

If left untreated, it can cause a variety of symptoms, including fever, rash, facial paralysis, and arthritis.

The Bay Area Lime Foundation states that rapid and proper removal of mites is the key to preventing Lyme disease. After spending time outdoors where mites can spread, check for bugs under your arms, in and around your ears, inside your navel, behind your knees, between your legs, around your hips, especially around your hair. please.

“Warm showers or baths wash away uncongested mites, especially in hard-to-reach areas. I want to get rid of mites within 24 hours. Wash clothes with hot water or a 1-hour hot water dryer.” advice..

Dogs and cats can also get Lyme disease, so pets should also be checked regularly.

Relation: Lyme disease remains a threat as warmer climates approach

This story was reported by Cincinnati.

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