How are tsunami warnings issued at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
HONOLULU (KHON2) – A former scientist at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that once an earthquake occurs in the Pacific Ocean, a tsunami watch is issued.
“In about five minutes for an earthquake anywhere on Earth, they’ll figure out where it is, how deep it is.” And, very quickly, said Gerard Fryer, a former scientist at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. They will run a model to see if this is likely to cause a large tsunami. ”
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If their model showed that the earthquake caused a tsunami, they would issue a tsunami warning, however, they wouldn’t know the exact size of the waves until they reached the tsunami detection buoys around the Pacific Ocean.
First, the (Pacific Tsunami Warning Center) monitored the tsunami by capturing earthquakes, then searched for data from the nearest tidal stations. The problem is that tidal stations are not really good places to measure earthquakes. By the time you reach them, those places will be already affected and destroyed. “Over the years, they tried to come up with better methods, and finally in the early 1990s, they tested a system for having buoys in the deep sea,” said Dr. Walter Dudley, co-founder of the Pacific Tsunami Museum.
The float technique helps in measuring the wave size.
“So as the water passes through – as the wave passes, the pressure increases, so it feels the pressure increase. There is a little instrument at the bottom that sends a sound signal to the buoy.” Then the transient transmits that to the Iridium satellite constellation and down to us at the warning centers . “
If the tsunami turns out to be much smaller than expected, Fryer said, they may lower the warning level to advisory or cancel.
Experts say residents should also be able to recognize signs of a tsunami, in case an earthquake strikes inside Hawaii and there isn’t much time to prepare.
Dudley said, “If they suddenly see that water is drawing in for no apparent reason, or that water suddenly is entering gently but louder, louder, louder, or they hear loud noises from the sea, these must all be signals.” .
Another thing they want people to know is that a tsunami is not just one big wave. If a tsunami strikes, it will likely take some time before subsiding.
“When the waves come to the islands, they reflect back and forth. So you can have a wave like every 15-20 minutes or so, and it can last for hours,” said Fryer.
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