What diabetic patients need to know about “black bacteria” in Indian COVID patients
- In Indian hospitals, cases of the life-threatening infectious disease zygomycosis, or “black fungus,” are increasing.
- Most of the affected patients are diabetic patients who were previously infected with COVID-19.
- Diabetes, COVID-19, and steroids, which may be used to treat COVID-19, all weaken the immune system and increase the risk of “black ear mushrooms.”
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As India works Record rate In cases of COVID-19, doctors are currently facing an increase in cases of another deadly infection known as “black ear mushrooms”.
An infectious disease technically called zygomycosis appears to primarily affect diabetics who have recovered from COVID-19.
Mucormycosis is a rare but serious fungal infection in the sinuses and lungs.According to it, it can lead to black spots on the nose, blurred vision or diplopia, and swelling of the face on one side. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.. It is acquired through contact with fungal spores found in soil, plants, and fertilizers.
Endocrinologists told insiders that the black fungus isn’t new, but the pandemic seems to have caused the perfect storm.
Who has
The immune system is slightly weakened, so the risk of getting black ear mushrooms is already high. COVID-19 adversely affects diabetics and further increases their risk.And there are steroids, medicines May be used to treat severely ill COVID-19 patients, It can weaken the immune system.
Although not many cases have been reported in other countries, endocrinology and disease prevention expert Dr. Dina Adimurum said that all people with diabetes now have preventative measures to protect themselves from infection. He said it should be taken.
Percentage of black fungi around the world
Cloud ear fungus is historically very rare, affecting 900,000 people annually in India, which is less than 1% of the population. Research According to the same survey, only 10,000 people are affected outside India each year.
There is no national surveillance system for black ear mushrooms in the United States. The price of CDC is 1998, We found that there were 1.7 cases per million people.
Why steroids and COVID-19 increase the risk of black ear mushrooms in diabetics
In general, people with diabetes are slightly immunocompromised because elevated blood sugar levels damage the immune system. “If infected, these patients are more likely to have a hard time fighting the infection,” said Dr. Lhasa Kazlauskite, an endocrinologist at the Rush University Medical Center.
Diabetics also have high blood sugar levels and are in an environment where fungi can grow. “Sugar nourishes the fungus, and then the fungus is stronger than the immune system trying to fight it off,” Kazlauskite said.
In addition, some steroids evidence It has been shown to help patients with severe COVID-19 and suppresses the body’s immune system, which may reduce the ability of the immune system to fight infection.
Especially high risk in India
According to India, India has the second highest diabetic population in the world International Diabetes Federation Atlas, equivalent to 70.2 million people.
Adimoolam said Indian diabetics are more vulnerable to infection because of the potential genetic risk in this population.
“Indian people with diabetes are at increased risk of developing diabetic complications such as kidney disease and wound infections,” said Adimoolam.
Adimoolam also said that Mucor, a fungus associated with zygomycosis, can live on contaminated medicines, which may be driving an increase in the number of cases in India.
If you are severely ill with COVID-19, don’t forget to treat with steroids
Dr. Yogish Kudva, an endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic, said he will work to prevent COVID-19 infection if he has diabetes.
“The key issue here is to worry about covid,” Kudva said. He proposes to follow the following COVID-19 rules: Wear a mask in a crowded area, And be vaccinated.
For diabetics infected with COVID-19 outside India, Adimoolam confirmed that blood sugar levels were within normal limits and said he would continue to take prescription medications. However, if your blood sugar is high, please contact your doctor.
If you are a diabetic patient hospitalized with COVID-19, Adimoolam will inform the medical team that you have diabetes and “make sure you or your loved ones support proper glycemic control. Please do. ”
Best of all, Adimoolam said that if steroids are a life-saving treatment, don’t deny them.
“Even with high doses of steroids, certain drugs can control hyperglycemia.”
Kazlauskite also said that diabetics hospitalized with COVID-19 should not refuse steroids.
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