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AstraZeneca vs. Sinobac Vaccine: Efficacy, Side Effects

AstraZeneca vs. Sinobac Vaccine: Efficacy, Side Effects


The number of vaccines used to combat the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grow, and there are several international candidates who may soon enter the US market.

Oxford University and AstraZeneca have collaborated in the United Kingdom to produce a recombinant vaccine made from modified chimpanzee adenovirus. Another candidate is from Sinovac Biotech in China. The Sinovac vaccine uses more traditional vaccine technology and relies on inactivated viral particles to generate an immune response.

Neither of these vaccine Regular or emergency use is still approved in the United States. Numerous exams Is underway and an application may be submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the future to add to the national arsenal for COVID-19.Both vaccines Examination According to the World Health Organization.

Both AstraZeneca and Sinovac vaccines are still in clinical trials worldwide, so there is uncertainty about how effective each vaccine is. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection)..

was Some controversies About the efficacy of the AstraZeneca vaccine in late 2020, when it became clear that some people in the early research group were receiving only half the dose of the vaccine.

AstraZeneca claimed that the vaccine was 70% effective, but later became effective 62 percent Nearly 90% of those who received two full doses and half of those who received one full dose. AstraZeneca uses these two percentages to 76 percent..

Data on Sinovac’s CoronaVac vaccine are limited, as many international studies on vaccines are still underway.In one report, researchers report: 97 to 100 percent Antibodies to COVID-19 were developed among those vaccinated in clinical trials, but not all immune response markers measured in other studies were investigated for the CoronaVac vaccine.

Another report on the efficacy of CoronaVac reveals that Phase 3 clinical trial results have not yet been published by Sinovac, but in a trial in Chile, the efficacy rate was 56.5% After complete vaccination with CoronaVac.

Many side effects of the vaccines currently available for COVID-19 are similar, with injection site pain and pain causing the most common reactions.

For the CoronaVac vaccine, injection site pain and pain are the most common side effects, 17-21 percent Of people who received various doses of the vaccine.

In most cases, the reaction was mild and resolved within 2 days. In a phase 1 vaccine trial, a recipient developed an allergic skin reaction with wheals, which was treated with antihistamines and steroids and resolved in 3 days.

Systemic reactions that have affected other than the injection site include:

  • Malaise
  • diarrhea
  • Muscle weakness

Test data reported that these symptoms were far less than the pain at the injection site.

Rash of people of color

Redness, irritation, and hives are easily extinguished by redness and raised areas of white skin, but are detected. Urticaria Or other skin tone rashes may be more difficult.

If your skin is black or brown, it can be difficult to see redness, but you can still detect hives and skin irritation in the following ways:

  • itch
  • swelling
  • inflammation
  • Raised bump

If you have swelling in your mouth or throat or difficulty breathing, this is a sign of an anaphylactic allergic reaction. You need to call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room immediately.

Health line

The AstraZeneca vaccine has received more attention for its side effects after some people have developed it. Blood clot After vaccination.

As regulators investigated blood clots, they concluded that vaccination was suspended in many parts of the world and was a very rare side effect. About 86 of the 25 million people who received the vaccine were affected. European regulators have allowed AstraZeneca to reopen Its vaccination program has restricted its use to the elderly in some countries.

Other side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine were also rare, but in the following cases:

  • Inflammation around the spinal cord
  • Hemolytic anemia
  • High fever

All of these symptoms resolved without any additional issues.More Common side effects Included:

  • Injection site pain
  • Mild tenderness
  • Malaise
  • headache
  • muscle pain
  • cold
  • heat

Most of these reactions were mild, according to test data, and resolved within a day or so after vaccination.

vaccination In general, it teaches the immune system how to recognize and destroy active viruses using small pieces of information about diseases such as protein spikes and inactivated virus particles.

Unlike Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines AstraZeneca and Sinovac vaccines, which use mRNA technology (part of the COVID genetic code) to create immunity, use a more traditional route. This means that the actual viral particles or genetic material, in combination with other substances, introduces small harmless pieces of the virus into the body. Your immune system can use this information to design defenses and make better equipment to fight live viruses.

Similar to Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 VaccineThe AstraZeneca vaccine relies on chimpanzee adenovirus to carry peplomer proteins from the coronavirus into the body, creating an immune response.

The Sinovac CoronaVac vaccine uses the virus to create immunity. However, this vaccine uses inactivated particles of SARS-CoV-2 virus that cause COVID-19 instead of adenovirus.

What is Chimpanzee Adenovirus?

Adenovirus It is a very common virus. Adenovirus is widespread and efficient, although it usually causes mild illnesses such as the common cold. There are more than 50 types of adenovirus that cause respiratory infections, and they are good at invading and attacking the body in various ways. Chimpanzee adenovirus is an adenovirus that causes these infections in chimpanzees.

When modified for use in vaccines, these viruses are very efficient in helping to generate an immune response. These types of vaccines, such as the AstraZeneca vaccine, Viral vector vaccine..

What does deactivation mean?

When making a vaccine from an inactivated virus, this means that the part of the virus that causes the disease is destroyed, but its basic genetic information remains.

When injected as a vaccine, the inactivated virus trains the immune system to fight the illness it causes, but it does not. Influenza, polio, and rabies vaccines use inactivated viruses to generate immunity, but they do not produce as strong an immune response as other types of vaccines.

Researchers are throwing everything they’ve gained from the COVID-19 pandemic. And there are many different companies that make many variations of vaccines to fight the virus.

Currently, only three vaccines are approved for use in the United States, but vaccine developers around the world are also working on a solution. The Sinovac Corona Vac vaccine in China and the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine in the United Kingdom are two examples of these international options being studied worldwide.


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