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The Earth “oscillates” a few months before a massive earthquake


A new study has found that a series of “vibrations” come before massive earthquakes, and could help scientists predict the timing of future disasters.

Scientists at Ohio State University found that months before the strongest earthquake in Japan in 2011, the nation’s Earth masses experienced tremendous fluctuation.

The 2011 earthquake caused a tsunami in which thousands of people were killed, and scientists say the sway that preceded it lasted for several months.

The team behind the recent discovery hopes that the future fluctuation can warn seismologists of upcoming disasters and give countries time to prepare, but all “vulnerable countries” must install a large and robust sensor network.

While the slight transformations were “imperceptible”, they were “clear” in the data measured by more than 1,000 GPS stations across the country, scientists say.

Scientists from Ohio State University discovered that months before the strongest earthquake in Japan in 2011, the country’s land masses were subjected to a massive “wobble”

The study, published in Nature, looked at data for the 9th Tohoku Oki earthquake on March 11, killing 15,500 people.

The Ohio State team found a strange shift in the soil that shocked the land area of ​​the country from east to west, and came back again, in months of “wobbly” lasting.

The co-author of the study, Professor Michael Beavis, said that what they found in Japan was a huge but very slow bobbing – something unprecedented.

“But are all the giant earthquakes preceded by this kind of swaying?” Ohio State researchers said: “We don’t know because we don’t have enough data.”

“This is another thing to look for when assessing earthquake risk in subduction areas such as those in Japan, Sumatra, the Andes, and Alaska.”

The new study found that land masses in Japan repeatedly displaced the equivalent of a small portion of an inch per month over a period of five to seven months before the 2011 earthquake.

Scientists from Germany, Chile, and the United States analyzed this data and experienced a reversal shift in the country.

They found that it had returned to the east by a fraction of an inch, then to the west, then to the east again.

The team explained that these moves were a “marked” different from the constant and periodic shifts that the Earth’s masses are constantly making on the ground.

“The world is divided into paintings that always move one way or another. Movement is not common. Beavis said,” This style of movement is extraordinary. “

An earth science expert said the wobble could indicate that in the months leading up to the earthquake, the record under the Philippine Sea began “a slow slide occurred.”

And Beavis explained that the earthquake catalyst was a soft, relatively calm impulse of two adjacent oceanic plates beneath Japan.

This silent transformation eventually caused a big rush to the west and down that pushed the Pacific plate and plate under Japan, producing powerful seismic waves that shocked the entire country.

The study, published in Nature, looked at data surrounding the 9th Tohoku-oki earthquake on March 11th, which killed 15,500 people.

Japan was devastated by the natural disaster that permanently moved large parts of Honshu, the country’s main island, a few meters to the east.

The tsunami launched more than 130 feet high, destroyed the homes of 450,000 people and destroyed many nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

A constant stream of toxic radioactive material into the atmosphere, forcing thousands of people nearby to flee their homes.

Researchers are trying to estimate the size of the next major earthquakes and predict where and when they occurred.

The Ohio State team said however, “When” is much more difficult than “where.”

Unfortunately, the benefits of this study are not widely spread because not all countries are equipped with GPS technology at the Japanese level.

Japan was devastated by the natural disaster that permanently moved large parts of Honshu, the country’s main island, a few meters to the east.

Lead author Dr. Jonathan Bedford, researcher at the German Research Center for Earth Sciences at GFZ, said it was not possible to apply the results to other vulnerable subduction areas.

Many countries in earthquake-prone areas lack the technology available in Japan, which has one of the largest GPS surveillance systems in the world.

This advanced system provided sufficient data to allow the research team to determine the Earth’s mass fluctuations that occurred several months before the earthquake.

Other countries, including Chile and Indonesia, which were struck by devastating earthquakes and tsunamis in 2010 and 2004, respectively, had less comprehensive systems at the time of these disasters.

Researchers analyzed similar data from the 2010 Chile earthquake and found evidence of a similar wobble.

Dr. said. Bedford The data is “good enough to capture the signal.”

He added, “We really need to verify all major subduction areas with high-density GPS networks as soon as possible.”

The study was published in the journal Nature.

The Earth Moves Under Our Feet: Tectonic Plates Move Through The Cover, Causing Earthquakes As They Scrape Together

Tectonic plates consist of the Earth’s crust and the top of the mantle.

Below is the aspinosphere: the warm, sticky rocky belt conveyor on which tectonic plates rest.

The Earth contains fifteen tectonic plates (pictured) that together form the landscape that we see around us today

Earthquakes usually occur at the boundaries of tectonic plates, where one plate falls under another plate, pushes another plate up, or where the edges of the plate hang over each other.

Earthquakes are rare in the center of the plates, but can occur when malfunctions or old fractures under the surface are reactivated.

These areas are relatively weak compared to the surrounding plate and can slip easily and cause an earthquake.


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