The Great Kant Earthquake begins at the end of the world for vampires
In Episode 8 of Mars Red, Shutaro Kurusu tours devastated Tokyo in search of survivors and allies amid an outbreak of vampires.
Warning: The following contains spoilers for Episode 8, “Purgatory” from Red Mars, now streaming on Funimation.
Episode 8 of Mars Red takes the anime from a slow-paced mystery series filled with meditative pretty boy vampires to the end of the world. Japanese history buffs might have been counting the episodes that led to the Great Kant Earthquake on September 1, 1923, which actually brought Tokyo completely settled, and in the parade, he also threw a key in the sinister plans of Rufus Glen and General Nakajima to create their own elite vampire swarm.
Episode 8 is fully narrated from Shutaru Kurusu’s point of view. Shutaru, the youngest vampire in Code Zero, is separated from Maeda and Yamagami after the earthquake that collapsed Code Zero’s fortified shelter, and spends the episode searching for his mates, trying to help the survivors and gathering sinister events that turn ordinary people without contact with vampires into thirsty zombies. For bloodsucking.
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The show’s creators faithfully reconstructed the devastation of Tokyo just as they captured the atmosphere of the Taisho era in previous episodes. Almost everything is in rubble, ordinary people are helping each other as best they can, pulling survivors into clinics and encouraging each other to get the vampire vaccine that the government has already distributed at least. After all, there are a lot of vampires stalking humans, and there are no walls or doors to protect anyone from them.
While researching, he meets Shotaro Aoi, his childhood friend. She paused writing briefly to help with food line, a job she quickly ditches once her editor tells her there is precedent to cover at the Imperial Hotel. She sees Aoi Shotaro watching her, freezes in daze and full of heartbreaking hope. Then he disappears – Shotaro knows he’s technically dead and that Aoi shouldn’t see him, but he can’t help but smile at how well she’s doing.
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Shutaro also finds Tomiko Yamagami, his companion’s wife – who has already passed away, although Shutaro doesn’t know it yet. He tells her stories of the time they spent together in the military, showcases his big heart and adorable personality, helping Tomiko smile despite the devastation around them.
Soon Shotaro notices that people who get vaccinated have a high chance of turning into vampires – if they’re lucky. Most of them catch fire as soon as the sun touch them, and they never realize that they have been infected until the moment they burn. Others become like walking corpses in the Red Light District, intent on eating anyone standing in their way, including other vampires. Still more of them are like Shutaru himself, completely conscious creatures at night completely confused about what happened to them. Not that they survived for long: if the sun didn’t catch them, General Nakajima’s terrifying swarm of vampires would surely do so.
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Enter the three best vampire kids in horror history: two young girls and one boy who got vaccinated the night before with the rest of their class. They immediately felt thirsty, and the only reason they didn’t go out and burn in the sun like their friends was because one of them was “making a fuss” while the other two stayed behind to help him. Shutaru, realizing that other vampires see him as a predator capable of eating them (due to his high rank), uses his presence to get the Trio to safety.
But with all of his companions gone, the only person who can help them is Tenmaya-san, a mysterious store owner with ties to a secret network that keeps vampires safe from the government. Tenmaya-san takes the four young vampires to a secret safe house, feeds them safe vials of blood and trusts Shutaru with the location of the scariest vampire: those who live under the tracks of a futuristic Tokyo subway. Shutaru goes with an elderly Tenmaya-san assistant to bring them food – maybe they need it more than ever.
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But upon their arrival at the secret lair, Nakajima’s vampire squadron awaits them, ready to kill not only the rogue vampires but also Shutaro. He outguns the men, overtaking them with only two katana in the Steam Squadron’s arsenal of death, however, Shotaro is ready to take one last stand … when a soldier’s eyes turn from red to purple, and he turns against his eyes, beating into the heads of Nakajima’s men.
Shotaro and his assistant use confusion to scramble, but the rogue soldier is not so lucky. Rufus Glenn, the mastermind behind infected vaccines, was watching over them and expecting nothing less than indefatigable loyalty. For Glenn, the only punishment is death, and he quickly wipes out the soldier by pulling wires that allow him to breathe – an act that would put him at odds with his main ally, General Nakajima, who claims to value the soldier’s life. His men are above everything.
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About the author Pia Kaikoya (413 articles published)
Bea is a European transplant who is currently living in Toronto. You can put up with her sassy self-promotion by joining her five Twitter followers on BeaCaicoya.
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