Earthquake Information: M5.5 earthquake on Saturday 2 May 2020 11:13 UTC / 11km SSE from Talapoa, Puerto Rico
The Hypocenter depth was recalculated from 10.0 to 4.3 km.
Date and time: Saturday, May 2, 2020 11:13 UTC local time in earthquake center: 2020-05-02 07:13:19 -04: 00
Amount: 5.5
Depth: 4.3 km
Earthquake latitude / longitude: 17.8942 ° N / 66.6794 ° W (Puerto Rico)
Nearest volcano: Saba (373 km)
Primary data source: USGSE Released Power: 1.1 * 10 ^ 13 J (3.12 GWh / 2682 tons of TNT / 0.2 paratomic atomic bombs) [learn more]If you felt this earthquake (or if you were near the epicenter), please share your experience with us and provide a short “feel it” report. . – Thank you. Data on the same earthquake as other TimeMag agencies reported. / DepthLocationSourceSat, 2 May 2020Sat, 2 May 11:13 UTCM 5.5 / 10 km Puerto RicoGFZSat, 2 May 11:13 UTCM 5.3 / 10 kmPuerto Rico RegionEMSCSat, 2 May 11:13 UTCM Puerto Rico RegionGeoAu Reports: “Felt”: (107.6 ENE km from the epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (applicable) (88.1 km northeast of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI VI (strong vibration) (via application) (68.4 km northwest of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI II (Very weak vibration): Estaba en la cama se sintió un movimiento suave. (Via application) (80.5 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (applicable) (63 km NNE earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration): I was standing in front of the shelf and noticed that it was moving from side to side. I did not feel it! (Via application) (84.1 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI VI (strong vibration) (via application) Ponce (14.2 km NNE from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI VI (strong vibration) (via application) Hormigueros feblesw (50.9 km WNW from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI IX (violent vibration): awakened by dance (via application) (86.5 km northeast of epicenter) [Map] / MMI II (Very weak vibration) Carolina PR (94.8 km NE from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration): dizzy and fearful (via application) Ponce, PR (13.5 km NNE from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI VI (strong vibration): Desperté de repente todo crujir la cama se sacudió fuerte todo se calló y sigue temblando. (Via application) (74.3 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (applicable) (107.6 km ENE from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (applicable) (85.7 km ENE from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) (11.4 km NNE from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI VIII (Extreme Vibration) (via application) Bo. Guayabota Yabucoa PR (75.3 km ENE from epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration): Además del movimiento se escucharon ruido de algunas cosas en la casa. (Via application) (91.8 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration) (via application) (16.9 km NNE from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration): Un ruido y despues el estrujon fuerte en toda la casa (via application) San Juan (83.8 km northeast of epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (via application) Hato Rey (87.9 km NE from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI VI (strong vibration) (via application) (15.2 km NNE from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI VI (strong vibration) (via application) Ciales (50 km NNE from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI VI (strong vibration): Fuerte ruido y movimiento. (Via application) (78.4 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI II (Very weak vibration) (17.7 km WSW from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI VI (Strong Vibration): My bed was moving from side to side (66.6 km NNE from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI VI (strong vibration): The movement was north-south. (Via application) (74.3 km NNE from the epicenter) [Map] / MMI VI (strong vibration): Se movia la cama entera. (Via application) (14.9 km northeast of the earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI VII (Very Strong Vibration): Fuerte sacudida (via application) Bayamon (75.2 km northeast of epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration): Me levantó. (Via application) (11.5 km NNE from epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (88.2 km ENE from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (via application) San Juan (89.2 km northeast of epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (applicable) (38.4 km northwest from the epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (via application) Toa baja, Levittown (80.4 km NE from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration) (via application) Bayamon (11.4 km WSW from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI II (very weak vibration) dia. (49.4 km NNE from the epicenter) [Map] / MMI VII (Very Strong Vibration) (via application) (58.6 km WNW from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration): wake me up. Glass doors and ceramics. Ceiling Fan Vibration (applicable) (13.4 km NNE from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI VII (very strong vibration): Se cayeron artículos en la sala cocina cuarto. Sacudió fuerte la casa. (Via application) Coto laurel (20.4 kilometers northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI VII (Very Strong Vibration) (via application) (82.3 km northeast of epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (applicable) (89.9 km northeast of epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (applicable) (84.5 km northeast of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration): Leave on 13 floors to shake the building well, now Wright is writing there is an exact copy (via application) (61.9 km north of epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) (applicable) (59.5 km northwest of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (applicable) (79.9 km northeast of epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (applicable) (82.6 km northeast of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI VI (strong vibration) (via application) (64.7 km NNE from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (light vibration) (via application)
San Sebastian, P. R. Central Bozas. / MMI V (moderate vibration): Un fuerte sacudion a la casa. Muebles y se movió la casa ya q es de alto.estaba en la cama y la movía muy verte. I am glorified oh Mario.
Ponce / MMI VIII (Extreme Vibration): A very noisy noise picture frame felt on the ground, neighbors screaming and fleeing outside their homes. Power on shutdown.
Arecibo Puerto Rico / MMI V (moderate vibration): amaze me, last for 3-4 seconds.
Larriss, PR / MMI V (Moderate vibration): He feels more sway than his vibration – like being on a boat.
Yauco / MMI VI (strong vibration)
Prados del Monte, Guaynabo, PR / MMI IV (Light shaking)
Trujillo Alto / MMI IV (slight vibration)
Caguas / MMI IV (slight vibration): vibrated enough for anxiety.
Florida Puerto Rico parcelas selgas / MMI V (mild shaking)
SAn Sebastian PR / MMI V (moderate vibration)
San Juan puerto rico / MMI VIII (extreme vibration): Se movió bien fuerte la cama de lado a lado
Bayamon PR / MMI V (moderate vibration)
Toa Baja / MMI IV (slight vibration): I am a heavy sleeper and still wake me up
Santorsi, San Juan Puerto Rico / MMI IV (light vibration)
Kay, PR, US / MMI IV (light vibration)
Arecibo, PR at 1,019 feet above sea level / MMI V (moderate vibration)
Dorado, Puerto Rico / MMI IV (light vibration)
Utuado / Ciales / MMI V (moderate vibration)
Carolina, PR / MMI V (moderate vibration)
Caguas, PR / MMI III (weak vibration)
Aguada / MMI II (Very weak vibration)
Barco Escorial, CAROLINA PR / MMI IV (slight vibration)
Aguadilla / MMI V (moderate vibration): moderate vibration
San Juan, Puerto Rico / MMI IV (slight vibration): My bed is swaying, waking me up was 7:13 am
Bayamón / MMI V (moderate vibration)
Higuerrillo, naguabo / MMI V (moderate vibration)
Galan / MMI V (moderate vibration)
Carolina / MMI V (moderate vibration)
Ciales / MMI VI (strong vibration)
Moca / MMI IV (slight vibration)
Bayamón / MMI III (weak vibration)
Carolina / MMI V (moderate vibration)
Ceiba, Puerto Rico / MMI IV (slight vibration)
Hato Rey / MMI V (moderate vibration)
Guaynabo / MMI V (moderate vibration)
Mayaguez / MMI IV (light shaking): wake up, things shake
Higuerrillo, naguabo / MMI V (moderate vibration)
Manati, Puerto Rico / MMI V (moderate vibration): Me Preparaba para salir y comencé a sentir que todo se movía.
Toa baja / MMI IV (slight vibration)
Bayamon / MMI IV (slight vibration)
Earthquakes in the same region until one year after that (aftershocks) – Earthquakes appear in the same region until one year after that (possible aftershocks) TimeMag. / DepthLocationMapSourceSat, May 2 11:19 UTCM 4.9 / 10 km – [info]5km SSE of Tallaboa, Puerto RicoI FELT IT[Map]USGSSat, May 2 11:23 UTCM 3.6 / 10 km – [info]11km south of Talapua, Puerto Rico[Map]USGSSat, May 2 11:25 UTCM 3.4 / 10 km – [info]4 km south of Talapua, Puerto Rico[Map]USGSSat, May 2 11:27 UTCM 3.2 / 10 km – [info]9km SSE of Tallaboa, Puerto RicoI FELT IT[Map]USGSSat, May 2 11:32 UTCM 3.4 / 10 km – [info]8km SSE of Tallaboa, Puerto RicoI FELT IT[Map]USGSSat, May 2 11:32 UTCM 4.6 / 10 km – [info]8km SSE of Tallaboa, Puerto RicoI FELT IT[Map]USGSSat, May 2 11:47 UTCM 3.3 / 10 km – [info]7km SW of Tallaboa, Puerto RicoI FELT IT[Map]USGS
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