Sienna Mae Gomez & Jack Wright: Allegations of sexual assault, bullying and body shaming
TikTok star Sienna Mae Gomez has been accused of sexually assaulting and abusing fellow creator Jack Wright.
Gomez and Wright were rumored to have been dating for the past few months, but it seems that their relationship was unraveled during a suspicion by Wright’s friend and twin brother James Wright.
Gomez, who had more than 15 million followers on TikTok before the allegations, quickly lost support as his followers tried to understand the disturbing claims.
The pair is set to star Netflix “Hype House” Reality TV Series Later this year, and now the 17-year-old star, has countered the allegations with some of her own claims, denying that she has never abused Wright.
What happened between Siena May Gomez and Jack Wright?
This is a complete summary of what happened between Gomez and Wright, allegations of bullying, sexual assault, and sexual assault. Body shamingAnd how Gomez responds to the repulsion.
Siena May Gomez and Jack Wright were rumored to be dating.
Gomez and Wright were thought to have been dating for the past few months, as they shared regularly. Intimate Tik Tok However, they have never officially confirmed their relationship.
While addressing recent allegations, Gomez also claimed that it was Wright who refused to define a relationship, even though Wright said he loved her. She was social. He believes that media attention was everything.
Wright brothers James told TikTok, “It takes a lot of times to see the twins hurt and I have to stop.”
Jack Wright shared his own mysterious message about his preference for “people who don’t lie and respect boundaries.”
Jack Wright’s friend accused Siena Mei of sexually assaulting.
Mason Reso, who has known Gomes since high school, claiming to be Jack and James Wright’s best friend since kindergarten, issued a statement about Gomes’ abuse history.
“I’m having a hard time seeing the girl being complimented after telling my best friend to kill her, setting boundaries, and then sexually assaulting her many times. [her] I’ll be back, “he wrote.
“She has also verbally abused people in high school and Los Angeles. She prioritizes platform growth over a positive message of herself.”
Jack Wright seemed to support this claim by retweeting Reso’s statement.
Gomez denies allegations of assaulting Wright.
As more and more Gomez supporters pressed the unfollow button, she went to Instagram to address that claim.
“Friends can quarrel and change relationships, but allegations of criminal activity should not be exaggerated. Allegations of false sexual assault are never allowed. She wrote..
Rizzo also deleted his first statement, Tweeted All family members and stakeholders involved have decided to address this situation from social media.
Gomez addressed allegations of sexual assault in a video.
Gomez then shared a video addressing the allegations she labeled “false.”
She claimed that Wright was a victim of sexual assault, but she didn’t commit, but didn’t elaborate on what happened.
She spoke to James and said she was surprised that he was so open-minded about the issues he was closely associated with.
“It would be really bad if a lot of people, including my best friends and siblings, had to share their experiences with you,” she added. “I say I sexually assaulted your twins.” Is very bold, especially in your words.
Gomez has also been accused of body shaming.
Some social media users took this opportunity to point out other controversial moments in Gomez. Body positivity..
Gomez became known for praising her curvy body and belly rolls, but has had some heat in the past due to her role in body shaming.
Gomez once posted a video with the caption “I just ate” and then shared a post shared by fellow creator Olivia Ponton mock mock mock laughing TikTok. Some people felt this It was Ponton who was ashamed of her body.
Gomez also criticized What some people felt about the release of goods that said “Did you eat today?” Minor eating disorders..
In her video, Gomez denied her companion body-shaming, but apologized to anyone who felt hurt by her in the past.
Alice Kelly is a writer living in Brooklyn, New York. Catch her, who covers all of social justice, news and entertainment.Follow Her twitter For many.
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