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GeoHazards initiative to take a multidisciplinary look at seismic events in PNW | News

GeoHazards initiative to take a multidisciplinary look at seismic events in PNW |  News


Ayanna Hopkinsayi._. chan

Seattle appears to be the prime location for a natural disaster of dangerous geographic diversity. Fortunately, the UW is launching a new GeoHazards initiative that will focus on studying the risk of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and landslides in the region.

Geographical hazard refers to the geological and environmental conditions that may lead to a natural disaster, as opposed to meteorological or biological conditions.

This $4 million initiative will be led by Harold Tobin, the newly named Chief of Seismology and Geographical Hazards at Paros, and will aim to develop and strengthen detection and safety systems that reduce potential loss of life and property. It is funded by UW and Jerome Paros, a leader in the geophysical measurements industry.

Specifically designed to be interdisciplinary, the initiative will first partner with the UW School of Oceanography and the UW Laboratory of Applied Physics to coordinate research and better understand seismic movements both offshore and on land. They will do this by plugging in more sensors at the ocean floor and on land to understand how pressure builds up in the Earth’s crust.

“We have a mandate to bring people together from different groups, and now the hard work will be to prioritize; of all the great ideas for research, which one makes the most sense to follow through?” Tobin said.

From there, they intend to move on to other related subjects, and circles in other departments such as civil engineering, political science, and urban planning as they become increasingly relevant and essential to the mission.

The University of Washington’s M9 Project was an earlier similar initiative that involved seismologists, geologists, civil engineers to create better detection systems and building bases, and social scientists to develop and drive disaster response plans.

“We hope to translate our geosciences into information about probability and risk [and] The location of geographical hazards that can be used to plan for and mitigate future disasters.” “It is a disaster only if something really bad comes from it. The earthquake itself is not a disaster, it’s the collapse of the building or the bridge, but these are things we can influence.”

The M9 project is named after the high potential of a magnitude 9 earthquake along the Cascadia fault line during the next two centuries, sometimes referred to as the “Great Earthquake”. Understanding the upcoming disaster event is a central priority of the current GeoHazards initiative.

“UW and Seattle are in this amazing place where plate tectonics are really active,” Tobin said. “We have volcanoes, we have the potential for earthquakes, and we sit in what is called a subduction zone… the assumption is that the Earth’s crust in our area is causing increased stresses that can lead to major earthquakes and [a] Tsunami off the coast of the Pacific Northwest.

However, despite Tobin’s focus on the possibility of a geological catastrophe, he remains enthusiastic and hopeful about the new initiative.

“I’m really excited to take this opportunity to open up some new avenues of research that will be a really interesting science and also have real, practical benefit to people in our region,” Tobin said.

Contact reporter Catherine Lin at [email protected]. Twitter: @linkat18

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