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Sleeping an hour early reduces the risk of depression by 23%, study results

Sleeping an hour early reduces the risk of depression by 23%, study results


Everyone has heard the saying that early to bed and early to rise make us healthy and smart. However, a recent new study found that getting up an hour earlier than the normal schedule reduced the risk of major depression by 23%.

Sleep depression risk
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This is due to a spectacular study published in JAMA Psychiatry by researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder, MIT and Harvard’s Broad Institute (see what I did there). is.

This study provides the strongest evidence that a person’s chronotype (time to sleep each day) has a significant impact on the risk of depression.

All heredity

The researchers teamed up with DNA testing company 23 and myself to look at DNA data and the biomedical database UK Biobank. They then implemented a method called “Menderian Randomization” that leverages genetic associations to help find cause and effect.

Lead author Iyas Daghlas said, “Because our heredity is set at birth, some of the biases that affect other types of epidemiological studies tend not to affect genetic studies.” It explains.

Over 340 common genetic variants, including a clock gene called PER2, are known to affect human chronotypes. In addition, genetics summarizes 12-42% of sleep timing preferences.

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Analyze people’s sleep patterns

Researchers examined anonymized genetic data for these mutants from up to 850,000 individuals. This includes data from 85,000 people who wore a sleep tracker during sleep and data from 250,000 people who completed a survey on sleep preferences.

Sleep depression risk

From the largest sample, about one-third of those surveyed identified themselves as morning-type, 9% were late-night, and the rest were in between. Overall, the average midpoint of sleep was 3:00 am. –They slept at 11 pm and woke up at 6 am.

Using this data, researchers examined another sample containing genetic information, along with anonymized medical and prescription records, and a study of the diagnosis of major depressive disorder.

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23% reduction in depression risk

With the help of all this information and statistical methods, did they ask if people with early rising gene mutations also had a lower risk of depression? In fact, they did.

Sleep depression risk

An hour earlier in midpoint reduced the risk of major depressive disorder by 23%. This basically means that a person who normally goes to bed at 1 am can reduce their risk of depression by 23% if they go to bed at midnight and instead go to bed at the same time. Sleeping before 11 o’clock can reduce this by 40 percent.

Researchers have emphasized that it is unclear whether early risers can already benefit from getting up early, but middle-aged people can certainly benefit from this. ..


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