Why an hour’s change makes a difference
1964 Randy Gardner He was awake for 11 days and set a Guinness World Record for the longest period of spontaneous insomnia. This category is no longer offered by Guinness.It’s just Too dangerousGardner experienced mood swings and hallucinations. He is lucky. Deprived mice die in a few weeks.
It is clear that mammals need sleep. But the persistent problem is the reason.We sleep Genetically controlledHowever, our understanding of these genetic mechanisms is darkWas there anything that helped Gardner endure insomnia? And why did insomnia shake his mood and heart?
The answer comes from gradual research and has recently been published in journals. JAMA PsychiatryIn this study, researchers are investigating the relationship with chronotypes. Circadian rhythm Those Affecting Sleep Tendency at Different Times — Genes, and mental health..
In the process, the team unravels, validates, and presents a seemingly overly simplistic solution to the link between these three factors: changing sleep habits for an hour reduces the risk of major depressive disorder. Can be done.
Celine WetterHe is an assistant professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder and the lead author of this study.What this one-hour change brings Absent Support, she says Reverse, Is a sleep restriction. Her team has proven that sleep timing is important for changing the start and stop of sleep. “We never say that fatigue or short sleep is effective,” she says.
Instead, this is the “midpoint of sleep” about an hour early. This is the midpoint between bedtime and wake-up time. In this study sample, this shift corresponded to a 23% reduction in the risk of major depressive disorder. For example, a person usually sleeps from 1 am to 8 am, but changing habits from midnight to 8 am means that they are taking actions that can reduce their risk.
How scientists did it — The survey included 850,000 participants, of whom 85,000 wore sleep trackers and 250,000 responded to a sleep habits survey. Participants indicated whether they were “night owl” or “morning”, with an average midpoint of sleep at 3:00 am.
“Our analysis used data from depressed and non-depressed patients because it is used to calculate risk,” explains Vetter. “Our findings are not intended for people with depression.
Participant genetic data was anonymously drawn from a UK biobank or DNA testing company. 23andMe..
340 genetic mutations are known to affect human chronotypes. In this study, the team took all this information and examined the associations between these various factors, and found that people with genetic variations that predispose to early rising tend to be at lower risk for depression. I understand.
The “geneticly proxied morning diurnal preference” corresponds to the midpoint of sleep an hour ago, the team wrote. Daytime taste I like the timing of my daily activities.It makes shape Trend To “morning” and “evening”.Animal model suggests it has Genetic basis..
But this means that a one hour shift will help, The night owlIt’s unclear if there is any benefit to getting up early. It is also unclear if there is an ideal time frame for sleep. That’s what you need to look for in a follow-up, says Vetter.
Why is it related to sleep, genes and mood?
On the surface, the relationship between sleep and mood is clear. You have to look around or look at yourself, like Gardner and his mood swings.Nights with poor sleep quality are often the days when you look just like offOther studies also verify the connection. For example, depression can include: Especially remarkable In the morning Genetic link Between sleeplessness and depression.
Therefore, it is known that genes affect sleep habits, and sleep affects mood and mental health. But there are still many details that scientists are trying to unravel. Another factor may be that a person’s chronotype and daytime preferences are inconsistent with society.It’s difficult to stay up late 9 to 5 world..
Then this one hour shift right It’s really different. This data suggests that this is the case, but it needs to be verified in another study.
Meanwhile, the working hypothesis is that it is more exposure to light during the day that affects better mood. More sunlight means better hormonal effects. “Bright during the day, night Please darken “Vetter AdviseStaggering your sleep schedule is one thing, but it should be combined with spending more time outside at night and less electronics.
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