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California sea lions face “unprecedented rate of cancer”

California sea lions face “unprecedented rate of cancer”


Recently, when an adult female sea lion landed at Anti-San Luis Obispocu in central California, the responders quickly realized something was wrong.

She was thin and underweight, shook her head back and forth as people approached, and did not escape, said Dr. Kara Field, director of medical care at the Sausalito Marine Mammal Center.

“All of this shows that something is wrong, but I didn’t know what it was until I took her here,” Field said.

Further worrisome signs appeared as the sea lions were sedated and intubated for ultrasound in a quarantine cell on the center’s premises.

“It’s a very, very bad kidney,” Field leaned against the sea lion while looking at the ultrasound screen. “In the case of cancer, the cancer has often spread.”

The sea lions examined on this day were euthanized. This is a common consequence of California sea lions brought here for the frequent and untreatable diagnosis of genitourinary cancer.

It caused havoc on these marine mammals.

A study published in Frontiers in Marine Science in December found that nearly 25% of adults in California sea lions have this cancer, making it the most prevalent of all mammals, including humans.

“This is unusual and really terrible,” Field said. “This is an unprecedented rate of wildlife cancer.”

In this study, the main causes behind the high carcinogenic rate were the long-banned chemical pesticides such as DDT and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) found in the adipose tissue of Ashika, and the carcinogenicity known as the Otalin herpesvirus. The presence of herpesviruses has been revealed (OtHV-1).

Visiting resident Mariana Sosa preparing to collect urine samples from California sea lions is watching intern veterinarian Michelle Riverd and veterinary technology intern Karlen Mendieta at the Marine Mammals Center
Visiting resident Mariana Sosa, who is preparing to collect urine samples from California sea lions, is observing Resident Michelle Riverd and Veterinary Technology Intern Karleen Mendieta at the Marine Mammals Center.

“Few animals with cancer were infected with the virus,” said Dr. Padraig Dugnan, director of pathology at the center and co-author of the study. “But if you look at the levels of chemicals in fat and take that into account, the presence of the chemicals and their levels increase the chances of cancer by 30% to 80%.”

The study included samples of approximately 400 sea lions over 20 years. Field often oversees inpatient and ultrasonography, while Dugnan performs autopsy, so both Field and Dugnan regularly see these patients.

At autopsy, scientists perform a complete dissection. It also looks for metastases that have spread to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes, abdominal cavity, and chest cavity.

Dugnan pointed out that toxic chemicals had been dumped for years in a breeding ground for mammals near the Channel Islands in southern California.

Last year’s Los Angeles Times survey found “thousands of barrels of acidic sludge” mixed with DDT dumped near Santa Catalina Island after World War II. Sediment samples were sampled from nearby EPAs. It showed a DDT level that was 40 times higher than the amount detected at the hazardous waste site designed by.

DDT was banned in the United States in the 1970s, and PCBs were outlawed in 1979 because they were associated with cancer and other health problems.

However, the chemicals went through the food chain and eventually entered the fat of the sea lions.

Both Field and Dugnan believe that sea lion cancer gives severe warnings to humans.

The field says, “The strong link between herpesviruses and environmental pollutants is a big warning to us to pay attention to what is happening at sea.

“Knowing that there is such a thing makes us want to take action to improve the environment, not just for sea lions, but for ourselves,” Field said.


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