UK Covid Live: Oxford Vaccine Team Honored
With Professor Sarah Gilbert, the mastermind of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine England Vaccine task force Kate Bingham Both are recognized by damehoods.
Researchers from Andrew Pollard, Peter Hobby, Martin Landray, Catherine Green, Teresa Rambe, and Adrian Hill have also been honored.
Professor Gilbert became the Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire because he played an important role in creating jabs that were in the hands of tens of millions of people around the world.
The UK Public Health Service estimates that the vaccination program has prevented 42,000 hospitalizations and the deaths of more than 14,000 older people in the UK alone.
Venture capitalist Ms. Bingham has also been honored after overseeing the acquisition of millions of vaccines, giving the country the hope of winning the fight against the virus.
She praised the effort to develop the jab as a “victory of science-industry collaboration.”
Live update
About 60 million vaccines are given in England.
According to data from NHS England, a total of 59,460,783 doses of the new coronavirus were vaccinated in the United Kingdom between December 8 and June 11, an increase of 428,780 from the previous day.
NHS England stated that 34,499,129 patients increased by 177,139 from the previous day on the first dose and 24,961,654 increased by 251,641 on the second dose.
Mayor of Moscow will be closed from June 15th to 19th due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection
Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin will be closed from June 15th to 19th due to a surge in coronavirus cases on Saturday, with all bars, restaurants and venues open until June 20th until 11pm in the capital. Said it needed to be closed.
“We have signed a decree that provides employees with a holiday from June 15-19, 2021 to stop the rise of illness and save lives,” Sobianin said in an official blog.
He said the decision would not affect the city’s infrastructure and the organizations that maintain the military.
PM: The spread of Delta variants is a matter of “serious and serious concern”
Boris Johnson warned that the spread of the delta variant of the coronavirus was a “serious and serious concern.”
The Prime Minister will announce that the deblocking in the UK will be postponed for up to four weeks, warning that the UK is facing a third wave of the virus.
He told Sky News:
“Currently, we don’t know exactly how much it will affect extra mortality, but it’s clearly a serious and serious concern.”
Asked if he was more optimistic than at the end of May, he said, “That’s true.
“What we want to do is make sure the roadmap is irreversible, but without careful preparation you can’t create an irreversible roadmap. Some data is still open to question. Will be announced on Monday. “
Vietnam approves Pfizer vaccine for emergency use
Vietnam has approved the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine for emergency use.
According to Reuters, the jab is now the fourth officially confirmed by the government.
The company has previously approved AstraZeneca vaccine, Sputnik V in Russia, and China National Pharmaceutical Jab.
Johnson praises the “historic” G7 pandemic action plan
Boris Johnson welcomes the “historic” action plan by the G7 countries to prevent future pandemics in the light of the damage caused by Covid-19.
The Carvis Bay Declaration is a set of health policy commitments that will reduce the time it takes to develop and license vaccines, therapies and diagnostics to less than 100 days and strengthen our global surveillance network.
Italy, AstraZeneca jabs limited to over 60 years old
Italy discontinues Oxford / AstraZeneca jab for people under the age of 60, and those who have already received one injection will be vaccinated with another mRNA vaccine to complete the cycle.
This change came after the EU Pharmaceutical Agency discovered a link between the vaccine and a rare blood clot, but emphasized that the benefits of the vaccine still outweigh the risks.
A study in the United Kingdom found that blood clots were 1 in 250,000, or 0.0004%.
“Changes in epidemiological conditions have led to a reassessment of the risk-benefit ratio of the low-risk age group for severe Covid-19,” said the Italian Government’s Technical Science Commission (CTS). It was.
India cuts taxes on some COVID-19 medicines and equipment
Until the end of September, the Government of India cut taxes on some COVID-19-related medical devices and medicines, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said Saturday.
However, the government will maintain a 5% tax on the COVID-19 vaccine, Citaraman said.
Vaccine dissemination should include school children, says Professor Peter Openshaw
Leading scientists advising the government said the spread of the vaccine should be expanded to include school children.
Professor Peter Openshaw, a professor of medicine at Imperial College London, told BBC Radio 4 today’s program: It’s the same we know about influenza, which is often the main cause of epidemics in schools.
“But it is clear that more contagious variants are more contagious among young people, school children, and even younger children, probably due to the biological nature of the infection.
“Fortunately, it does not cause a very high incidence of illness among these children, but it has strengthened the debate about extending vaccination. [to children]”
More than half of those who say they refuse the new coronavirus vaccine now have the vaccine
A large study by King’s College London and the University of Bristol found that more than 50% of those who said they would not be vaccinated against the new coronavirus have been infected with the new coronavirus ever since.
The survey was attended by about 5,000 adults between the ages of 18 and 75 who were asked to comment on their first jab last winter, and the question was repeated in the spring.
I was convinced that more than one-third would choose the vaccine, and one in five thought it was likely, but others thought it was uncertain or unlikely. I did. 7% said they would never do so.
Researchers asked about 2,000 people who participated in the first survey again in April and found that 52% of those who said they would never get the Covid vaccine had already received it, if it had been provided. I did.
Overall, the survey found that 94% of those invited to the vaccine accepted the offer.
China has administered a total of 863.51 million covid-19 vaccines as of June 11.
China administered about 18.2 million COVID-19 vaccines on June 11, with a total of 863.51 million doses, National Health Commission data showed on Saturday.
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